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Dr. Hive: hives moving around my body?

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So, this is the second time this has happened.  The first time was maybe 6 months ago.  


My feet got itchy last night, but I wasn't paying much attention and ignored it.  This morning, I woke up to very red and itchy feet, red and itchy knees, also knuckles on my hands, my hips, and my elbows.  Today was a busy day, so I just grinned and bore it, and within 2 hours, it was basically gone.  Got home this evening and now my elbows, hips, and feet are bothering me again, knees are better.  


The first time it happened, it was my knuckles and my shoulder blades.  


It comes and goes relatively quickly.  When I showed told my doctor six months ago, he said maybe psoriasis, perhaps because it does seem to be above joints.  But it doesn't look at all like psoriasis when I do image searches online (*shudder*).  It looks more like hives.


Nothing new going on to have an allergic reaction to, but everyone in my family did get the stomach flu this week (except me and one kid).  


Possibly unrelated, but I was freezing cold last evening/night and thought I was coming down with the stomach bug, but my temp was normal.  It could have been fatigue, as I haven't slept in 3 days due to my kids puking all night long for three nights...



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I have broken out in hives twice in my life... both times it was after I had been sick and my immune system was responding strongly. The first time it happened the hives lasted for three days, but then for months afterward they would come back if I scratched my skin or took a hot shower. The second time was milder. My doctor said in my case it was a common immune response and not to worry - easier said than done!! Hope yours resolve soon.

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Hives, IME, move around. That's how you can tell them apart from other rashes. I have one child who got hives with every virus it seemed for a while. He was also getting strep frequently and I think his immune system was just run down. He had his tonsils and adenoids removed, and we haven't had strep or hives since then. It might be from the virus or an immune system response to fighting off the virus. Or stress from not sleeping for so long! His flared when he would take a warm bath or shower. Zyrtec is supposed to be good for hives. (Though in kids it can make them nutso--like it did my DS.) 


Edited: there's a combo of Zyrtec and Zantac (ranitide is generic) that is prescribed for chronic hives. Both are OTC.

Edited by zoobie
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I agree that hives move around, and also that they can appear for no discernible reason. When DS got them the night before a family trip a few years ago, the nurse told us that sometimes they happen in response to stress or in conjunction with another illness. She had us give DS Benadryl.

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Yep, I had hives appear whenever I was stressed or too hot for several years straight. The reaction has died down now. Eating a low-histamine diet helped tremendously, but I am no longer strict with it.


Other than a prescription antihistamine, Zyrtec worked the best. When they were really bad, I had to take Benadryl on top of that and sometimes Pepcid, too.

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