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Thinkwell Geometry - too easy?

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My 8th grader finished Algebra 1 last fall and started Thinkwell Geometry in January. He is going through it pretty fast and doing well on the exercises and tests. He will probably finish it sometime in June (or possibly sooner). Is this a sign that it's too easy? He is a mathy kid, but he didn't breeze through Algebra 1. (We used Foerster's and it took 1 1/2 years). Do I need to supplement? I also bought Schaum's Outline of Geometry, but we haven't touched it. Should I go through this text with him to be sure he is getting it as well it seems? Or is Thinkwell sufficient? (He currently plans to pursue some kind of science or computer major in college, so I want to be sure he gets the foundation he needs.) 

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Just listening in. DS is doing this concurrently with Foerster Alg 1 and so it will take him longer but it doesn't seem hard to him. He is not a mathy kid, so I suppose it doesn't matter here, but I would be curious.

My friend's DD does really well on math contests and such and I think they use Thinkwell exclusively.

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I would use some outside resource(s) (such as subject tests) to show mastery.

Some folks find Geometry easier than Algebra.



McDougal Littell's Geometry Test Practice:



you can find sample test problems here:



if you access to ExamView (perhaps a friend who is a teacher or some TE textbooks have this on CD)


"examview geometry test banks"


there are other test bank tools as well


Edited by MarkT
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My son did Thinkwell Geometry in 7th grade. Because of a mistake in his transcript his charter school told him it needed to be redone.  We are currently re-doing it with Derek Owens ( using Jacobs Geometry) and it is a whole different ball game.  Derek Owens (Jacobs)  is much fuller than Thinkwell. 


He really enjoyed all the classes he did with Thinkwell, but we both feel that Derek Owens if a more thorough course.

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My son did Thinkwell Geometry in 7th grade. Because of a mistake in his transcript his charter school told him it needed to be redone.  We are currently re-doing it with Derek Owens ( using Jacobs Geometry) and it is a whole different ball game.  Derek Owens (Jacobs)  is much fuller than Thinkwell. 


He really enjoyed all the classes he did with Thinkwell, but we both feel that Derek Owens if a more thorough course.


Thank you! This is what I needed to know. I don't really want to start over with a different course somewhere else, so I will try to supplement as well as we can and just keep going. And we probably will not do Thinkwell after this year with this student. I probably wouldn't worry about it too much if he wasn't so determined to do a science major. 

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My son did Thinkwell Geometry in 7th grade. Because of a mistake in his transcript his charter school told him it needed to be redone.  We are currently re-doing it with Derek Owens ( using Jacobs Geometry) and it is a whole different ball game.  Derek Owens (Jacobs)  is much fuller than Thinkwell. 


He really enjoyed all the classes he did with Thinkwell, but we both feel that Derek Owens if a more thorough course.

More topic coverage?  better topic depth?  better problem sets?




Considering the price difference, I would expect more from the Derek Owens course.

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