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I don't wanna go to work today! :(

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I absolutely love my job. Honestly! I'm the lead teacher in the 1-year old room at a preschool. But today is just not going to be a good day. I'm PMS'ing. It's raining which means no outside time. My coworkers are in a funk over drama in the workplace. We have Oktoberfest tomorrow and have so much prepping to do today that my head is spinning. I have been too busy to think of new activities for our babies to do to keep them engaged.


Last night I got off at 4:30pm. I had to work 30 minutes overtime because another teacher was out. I got home, picked up DH and dd10, drove 45 mins. to pick up ds12 from a friend's house. We stayed and chatted for a while. We didn't get home until 9:00pm and I went straight to bed. It's 6:30am and I'm still tired! And I don't even get the entire weekend free! I have to be at work in the morning at 8:30am for Oktoberfest. Egads!


Please send me some positive vibes and prayers today. I'll need some extra energy to get through today!

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I remember working at a daycare and having the same issues. It was a LOT! It seemed that by the time I got home and did family time with my dc and dh, I didn't have a minute to call my own.


I'll be thinking of you today and tomorrow! You have a tremendously important job! What would these parents do if they couldn't leave their children with you to care for them properly and lovingly during the day? It's wearing, but, I admire it!

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