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Anyone get allergy meds in injectible forms?


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I don't mean the desensitizing shots they do, but just regular ole allergy meds that you could get OTC, but as an injection.  Do they have such things?


I'm having major bad stomach pains when I try to take Claritin.  But I can't go without something for my allergies either.  Ugh..it's a royal pain.  So I wonder if I got an injection if that would possibly help.  It wouldn't pass through my stomach is what I figure....


Nasal sprays don't work.  My worst symptom is itchy burning eyes.  I don't care about the other symptoms.  If those were my only symptoms I would not bother taking anything.  And I've tried various eye drops.  Those don't work well enough either.







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I don't know about injections, but having worked in group homes with some people who are very very particular about what goes in the mouth, I can tell you that a wide variety of medications can be made as suppositories.  


Yeah I figured as much with that.  I often vomit when I've tried those.  So that probably won't work out.




Guess I should go to an ENT to find out what they have.

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I had an allergy shot in graduate school once. I hated it-  kept me up for two days straight. They're like speed or something. I never took one again. 


They do have prescription eye drops you might ask an ENT about. They can also compound a different formulation for you if the ENT can come up with alternatives for an oral med. I have a friend who is deathly allergic to corn, so she has to have her allergy meds compounded because most of the OTC meds have corn derivatives in them somewhere. 


In the meantime, can you try a children's liquid allergy medicine? Since there's nothing to break down it might be slightly easier on your stomach. You just need to up the dose according to weight. You can usually pull up a dosing chart on google. The nasal sprays take up to two weeks to work. Most of them you can double up on and dose twice a day for so many days until you get enough in your system. Another question for the ENT......

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I had an allergy shot in graduate school once. I hated it-  kept me up for two days straight. They're like speed or something. I never took one again. 


They do have prescription eye drops you might ask an ENT about. They can also compound a different formulation for you if the ENT can come up with alternatives for an oral med. I have a friend who is deathly allergic to corn, so she has to have her allergy meds compounded because most of the OTC meds have corn derivatives in them somewhere. 


In the meantime, can you try a children's liquid allergy medicine? Since there's nothing to break down it might be slightly easier on your stomach. You just need to up the dose according to weight. You can usually pull up a dosing chart on google. The nasal sprays take up to two weeks to work. Most of them you can double up on and dose twice a day for so many days until you get enough in your system. Another question for the ENT......


I was thinking about a liquid form.  Maybe they even have something that melts in your mouth.  I'll look around.


I've tried various nasal sprays.  They did nothing at all for the eye symptoms.  Last one I tried was Flonase.


Maybe I should just wear a hazmat suit.  :laugh:

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Claritin has redi-melts too. I've given them to my kids before.


Is it tree pollen up there getting you so bad? Hopefully it doesn't last long. So aggravating.


I'm about to don a hazmat suit myself if my kids don't stop bringing bugs home. The last time we went to the pedi there was a woman wearing a mask, waiting in the lobby with her sick kids. I think she was on to something.

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Claritin has redi-melts too. I've given them to my kids before.


Is it tree pollen up there getting you so bad? Hopefully it doesn't last long. So aggravating.


I'm about to don a hazmat suit myself if my kids don't stop bringing bugs home. The last time we went to the pedi there was a woman wearing a mask, waiting in the lobby with her sick kids. I think she was on to something.


Yes tree pollen.  it lasts until about June. 


Only thing with the redi-melts is the cost.  I wonder if I crushed up the pill and mixed it with something if that would work too. 


It's very odd that such a tiny pill could cause me so much grief. 

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Try an H2 blocker with or instead of a regular H1? (They target different types of histamines or receptors or something, hence the different numbers.) Pepcid is a common H2 blocker--it's for heartburn. Perhaps it would negate the GI issues.


I'm on 60 mg of Prevacid (4x the OTC dose).


So...I'm thinking not!


I'm trying yet another (new to OTC) med now.  I'm trying to be extra careful about when I take it.  I took it 1/2 hour after taking the Prevacid (like I'm told to take it before food).  And I ate something before taking it.  So maybe that helps.  Don't know.

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Could the stomach pains be from post-nasal drip? When my sinuses clear, it just drops straight to my stomach and wreaks havoc there.


Could you try a decongestant like Sudafed (either the OTC one or the meth-making one) instead of or with the allergy med?




My worst symptom is itching burning eyes.  The respiratory/nasal stuff is minimal. Some days I have no nasal symptoms at all.


Sudafed doesn't work at all for me.

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The high level of Prevacid may be the culprit. The lack of acid in your stomach may be interfering with the absorption of the pill. Have you tried pediatric liquid allergy med instead?  Or played with time of day and food intake.  The least likely time for it to bother someone is in the middle of a full meal, but everyone is different.  Maybe before bed with just a few crackers, so you are asleep with the icky feeling hits?


If you have an eye doctor, ask if they will prescribe one of the newer prescription eye drops.  The doctor may have a sample for you to try.  Depending on your insurance, they may not be covered or have a high copay, so be prepared for that. There are usually coupons on the manufacturers websites.  Pazeo, Patanol, Optivar or Pataday are common ones we see used quite a bit. 


I would not use an H2 blocker for eye issues considering your current Prevacid use.  You don't want to furture decrease stomach acid unless your doctor approves it. 



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The high level of Prevacid may be the culprit. The lack of acid in your stomach may be interfering with the absorption of the pill. Have you tried pediatric liquid allergy med instead?  Or played with time of day and food intake.  The least likely time for it to bother someone is in the middle of a full meal, but everyone is different.  Maybe before bed with just a few crackers, so you are asleep with the icky feeling hits?


If you have an eye doctor, ask if they will prescribe one of the newer prescription eye drops.  The doctor may have a sample for you to try.  Depending on your insurance, they may not be covered or have a high copay, so be prepared for that. There are usually coupons on the manufacturers websites.  Pazeo, Patanol, Optivar or Pataday are common ones we see used quite a bit. 


I would not use an H2 blocker for eye issues considering your current Prevacid use.  You don't want to furture decrease stomach acid unless your doctor approves it. 


So far no stomach pains with taking the new pill (with food).  But probably too soon to tell if the new pill will help.  So far, not so much. 


I wonder if the regular doc could prescribe an eye drop.  I don't see why my insurance wouldn't cover it either way.

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