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The Teachers Lounge 2-10-2017


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Good morning! It's FRIDAY!


We have some gf waffles and gf sandwich bread in the Lounge today, along with some non-gf rolls. 

We can scramble or fry some eggs to go with that, if you'd like. There is also some maple & brown sugar oatmeal

if you'd like. It's instant.


Funny note on the gluten-free front. The box of oatmeal is sitting on the counter, as it was last night. Right after dh

says he needs to go to bed, he starts digging through the pantry and moving stuff around to different spots. (We'll get into THAT a bit later.) He says he's looking for oatmeal. ?.  I said, "It's right there (on the counter." He responds, "I can't eat that. It's gluten-free."  :blink:  I said, "Honey, all oatmeal is gluten-free. That's just a marketing gimmick." (Yes, yes, I know about cross-pollination, steel cut, etc, etc. I did not have the patience to at 11:45pm to get into that discussion, nor was it the point at that moment.)  He says, and I quote, "Oh. I'm glad you told me that. Now I can eat it."  :001_rolleyes:  Seriously, not all gluten-free stuff tastes the same! But if he even THINKS it's gf, forget it. He won't even take a bite.


Okay, off that rabbit trail . . .


What are your plans for the weekend? Here: today the kids have theater class. Tomorrow we will be going to my sisters for dinner because one of our nieces is in town and we haven't seen her since she had her baby! I also wanted to go to the Chinese New Year festival as a family on Sunday but that might turn out to be just hubby and I. I do want to do something for the Chinese New Year as it's the Year of the Rooster and I was born during that year.


What book/s are you reading? Here: currently I'm reading The Siege of Mackindaw in the Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan. I'm also reading through The Herbal Medicine Maker's Handbook by James Green. The first is for pleasure. The second is for school.


Anyone else in school? Here: yes, I know your kids are. LOL. I meant, YOU!  :p


Talk to me! :bigear:



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He won't eat it because it's gf, lol!


We have no plans for this weekend except rest, my sinuses are killing me and I just want to sleep.


I'm listening to the first book in the vampire huntress series, Minion, which is funny because I generally don't like stuff about vampires, they give me bad dreams.


I'm no inschool but I wish I were, I'm actually considering going back.

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Weekend Plans: Cameron is working tonight.  It's parents night out night so that'll be fun.  Ani will work tomorrow if she's up to it.  She is doing better and happy to be out of the hospital, but she's still pretty sick.  This acute episode was probably caused by a nasty sinus infection that she's been on antibiotics for since Monday starting to break up combined with something aggravating her POTS (which is a new diagnosis for her actually, but we already suspected it).  She can get out of bed and walk without stumbling or falling so that's an incredible improvement.  Anyway, we'll see how she is tomorrow.  Cameron is working at a different taekwondo school tomorrow morning.  Jamie, Fritz, Adrian, Lola (our dog), and I are going on a hike to fulfill some of the boys' Scout requirements tomorrow morning.  I have to go grocery shopping at some point.  I usually go early Friday mornings, but I needed sleep after 40 hours straight being awake (because of the hospital) so I slept right through the time I normally get up and go.  Sunday is church.


Reading: The Train to Crystal City by Jan Jarboe Russell.  And others, but mainly that one.


In School: Nope.

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Good afternoon!


I wasn't sleeping. My best friend took me into Altanta for my birthday to go to IKEA and to eat in Atlantic Station.


My nephew (the one I care for) is in the hospital with pneumonia and may be septic. They are trying a new IV antibiotic, so pray it works. My sister has a DNR on him because she doesn't want to prolong his suffering.


I was originally getting my nephew for 1/2 of the weekend after celebrating my birthday tonight and ds' basketball game tomorrow. Now, I'm thinking I need to go to TN to be with her and him. I'm waiting on dh to get home and decide.


I'm not reading a book right now except the Bible and my bible study. I just got the third book in the Living in Chicago series and may start it. (kids books)


No, I'm not in school for anything.

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Amy, sending prayers for your nephew and sister! Sorry for something so difficult around your birthday.


Weekend plans:

Work at consignment sale most of tomorrow.

Chirch on Sunday.

School prep.

Grocery shopping.

Possibly dinner out tomorrow. Mexican.



Watership Down

You Are What You Love by James K. A. Smith

The Planets by Dava Sobel


No more formal school for me!

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