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Question RE: The oil situation and the Iraq war

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I will be the first to admit that I don't understand the intricacies of the oil crisis and the politics of war. So I am hoping some of you more learned ladies can help me out.


The other day I was flipping through the channels and a talk show of some sort was discussing the upcoming election, the war, etc. One gentleman made the comment that we can NOT pull out of Iraq because Iran is eagerly waiting in the wings for this to happen so they can jump in and take over and then the U.S. will be in BIG trouble when it come to oil.


I admit it. It freaked me out a little. Americans are so unbelievably reliant on oil for everything. Yes, I know we should be trying to "go green" but change comes slowly, too slowly. So I am wondering what, if any, truth there is to this statement? Or is it just scarey political rhetoric?

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My opinion is that America is so reliant on oil because the people in power (government and industry) are making a ton of money on our oil consumption. We consume a lot more oil than we have to because it is marketed to us. Oil is easy.


I also believe that if we were cut off from foreign oil, it would take only a short period of time to implement alternative energy sources. The technology is out there, and if we had a reason to use it, we could do it efficiently.


Thanks for bringing this up!



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considering that most of our oil is imported from Canada, i think not. our second biggest supplier is Mexico. the middle eastern countries are actually down in the double digits when our oil supply sources are listed. i was surprised to learn this earlier this year. if it wasn't so late and my bath water getting cold, i'd look the link i found up for you. i believe i found the government report by googling 'where does the US import the most oil from?'


we are way too dependent on oil but we shouldn't be led to believe that the Middle East is the bogeyman.


good night.

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My neighbor (who moved on) works as a Project Manager for oil companies and works all over the world. He said that OPEC/Middle Eastern countries basically set the price for oil like a drug dealer sets a price for a drug. The other providers will follow suit because they can.


Iran would love to see us move out of Iraq because they have that desire for control and a newborn democracy is easy prey to move in and promote their extreme islamic views.


I heard today that OPEC was threatening to increas oil prices. The problem I see with that is that its still a supply and demand thing. Because China and India's economy is linked to ours and they are other big oil users, if their markets are as sour as ours, then all of those new cars they've added in the last 7 years won't be used either. Their bicycles may be dusted off and the new car put away therefore using less oil.


Still, just the threat of increasing oil prices will probably cause prices to go up artificially because speculators will start buying.


I "dabble" in the stock market and my favorite stocks are energy stocks. I've been watching and playing with them for a while.


As soon as the offshore drilling ban expired oil prices dropped dramatically, OPECS fear we might actually do something to get our own resources. As soon as they know Obama will be president, oil prices will go up because they know he won't allow more drilling. But, if we just SAID we were going to drill in the ANWR or offshore and started the process, prices would drop like crazy. We could even take our time drilling and work on other technologies at the same time.


I think its naive misunderstanding that makes people think we can just "get off" oil.



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I heard today that OPEC was threatening to increas oil prices. The problem I see with that is that its still a supply and demand thing. Because China and India's economy is linked to ours and they are other big oil users, if their markets are as sour as ours, then all of those new cars they've added in the last 7 years won't be used either. Their bicycles may be dusted off and the new car put away therefore using less oil.


Still, just the threat of increasing oil prices will probably cause prices to go up artificially because speculators will start buying.



As soon as the offshore drilling ban expired oil prices dropped dramatically, OPECS fear we might actually do something to get our own resources. As soon as they know Obama will be president, oil prices will go up because they know he won't allow more drilling. But, if we just SAID we were going to drill in the ANWR or offshore and started the process, prices would drop like crazy. We could even take our time drilling and work on other technologies at the same time.


I think its naive misunderstanding that makes people think we can just "get off" oil.




I agree.

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considering that most of our oil is imported from Canada, i think not. our second biggest supplier is Mexico. the middle eastern countries are actually down in the double digits when our oil supply sources are listed. i was surprised to learn this earlier this year. if it wasn't so late and my bath water getting cold, i'd look the link i found up for you. i believe i found the government report by googling 'where does the US import the most oil from?'


we are way too dependent on oil but we shouldn't be led to believe that the Middle East is the bogeyman.


good night.


We're your biggest supplier of oil here in Canada but we don't supply most of your oil. Source.

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My neighbor (who moved on) works as a Project Manager for oil companies and works all over the world. He said that OPEC/Middle Eastern countries basically set the price for oil like a drug dealer sets a price for a drug. The other providers will follow suit because they can.


Iran would love to see us move out of Iraq because they have that desire for control and a newborn democracy is easy prey to move in and promote their extreme islamic views.


I heard today that OPEC was threatening to increas oil prices. The problem I see with that is that its still a supply and demand thing. Because China and India's economy is linked to ours and they are other big oil users, if their markets are as sour as ours, then all of those new cars they've added in the last 7 years won't be used either. Their bicycles may be dusted off and the new car put away therefore using less oil.


Still, just the threat of increasing oil prices will probably cause prices to go up artificially because speculators will start buying.


I "dabble" in the stock market and my favorite stocks are energy stocks. I've been watching and playing with them for a while.


As soon as the offshore drilling ban expired oil prices dropped dramatically, OPECS fear we might actually do something to get our own resources. As soon as they know Obama will be president, oil prices will go up because they know he won't allow more drilling. But, if we just SAID we were going to drill in the ANWR or offshore and started the process, prices would drop like crazy. We could even take our time drilling and work on other technologies at the same time.


I think its naive misunderstanding that makes people think we can just "get off" oil.




This is my understanding also.


I've heard/read that we have enough oil here in the States and off shore to supply our needs for a long time. The technology is there to harvest this safely. I would love to see increased domestic drilling.


One other thought, as OPEC does set the price for oil, how many of those countries are US friendly? Part of our current economic problems stem from the high cost of energy. Can you think of a better way to bring down a country? (In this case, I think they are working to destroy us by destroying our economy.)


Just my 2 cents.

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One other thought, as OPEC does set the price for oil, how many of those countries are US friendly? Part of our current economic problems stem from the high cost of energy. Can you think of a better way to bring down a country? (In this case, I think they are working to destroy us by destroying our economy.)


Just my 2 cents.


That's exactly what I am worried about!

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Iran would love to see us move out of Iraq because they have that desire for control and a newborn democracy is easy prey to move in and promote their extreme islamic views.




Mmm, me thinks that Americans are not the ones to speak about other countries being controlling, while they occupy a foreign country in a situation that had a lot to do with oil. I imagine the media in America is poisoning the public against Iran as there is probably going to be a war with them. Sad, sad, sad.

I am not saying Iran is innocent or right...just that America certainly aren't the good guys any more, or innocent, or right (and the U.K. and Australia are painted with the same brush for being so tied with the U.S).

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Mmm, me thinks that Americans are not the ones to speak about other countries being controlling, while they occupy a foreign country in a situation that had a lot to do with oil. I imagine the media in America is poisoning the public against Iran as there is probably going to be a war with them. Sad, sad, sad.

I am not saying Iran is innocent or right...just that America certainly aren't the good guys any more, or innocent, or right (and the U.K. and Australia are painted with the same brush for being so tied with the U.S).



Ah, frack. I've re-written this post six times now. I've got better things to do. I can't be even-handed or diplomatic enough.


Going off to :chillpill:

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Mmm, me thinks that Americans are not the ones to speak about other countries being controlling, while they occupy a foreign country in a situation that had a lot to do with oil. I imagine the media in America is poisoning the public against Iran as there is probably going to be a war with them. Sad, sad, sad.

I am not saying Iran is innocent or right...just that America certainly aren't the good guys any more, or innocent, or right (and the U.K. and Australia are painted with the same brush for being so tied with the U.S).



That's true. It's easy to forget that we are kind of doing the very same thing that Iran wants to do. But...of course, I'd rather us be doing it than Iran. :tongue_smilie: So, then I guess it becomes more about who can be the toughest kid on the playground???? That is really depressing.

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We like going where we want, whenever we want, and our choice of "transportation" requires oil.


Jim Cramer, of CNBC's Mad Money, has mentioned that the United States is sitting on one of the largest reserves of natural gas, and it's cheap and clean! He has also sung the praises of many US companies that are producers of alternative energies ( wind, solar, etc.). One thing he is not for is ethanol...His reason being that the demand for ethanol this year has made grain a scarce staple and it has strained the populations of drought and famine stricken countries. These countries had difficulty getting the grain to feed starving people because it was so scarce and so expensive.



Claire in NM

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