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Veterinary types - can you recommend the "clipnosis" technique on cats?


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I heard about "scruffing" a cat and holding it with a binder clip or similar clip in order to elicit immobilization for grooming procedures. I am getting desperate enough to try this with my long-haired cat. She has a very thick, wooly undercoat and her fur mats easily. She has mats right now along her back and sides. It only gets worse and has been unfixable before, requiring shaving. To shave her, she must be sedated. I don't want to keep repeating sedation just because her fur is a hot mess. I have a dematting comb which works well, though she obviously does not like the procedure. I had my son hold her by the scruff and try to comfort her for a short session today, and can repeat the procedure, but if the clipnosis method can be endorsed, it would be better.

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I use "clipnosis" on rescue cats; works like a charm on most of them. I use the biggest binder clips I can find, scruff and clip them, and then cut nails, etc. In your case, I would use the binder clip and have your son continue to hold the cat while you work on her in short sessions.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I should have read this thread FIRST.

Can you post a photo of biggest binder clips you found, Mrs_JWM?

Our cat just doesn't get mats in her fur much at all, although she did over the summer which was a first.

We have issues with messiness. See my YUCK WARNING thread.

I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner - I just saw your question. We got the 2" binder clips.


Sent from my XT1049 using Tapatalk

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