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2017 vent thread


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Not a vent, more of a disappointment (I am already over it!).


I made Aztec quiche last night for dinner with Trader Joe pie crust. I wanted another piece last night, but I wasn't hungry enough to eat one, so I figured I would have it for breakfast. There were two pieces left. I was so excited this morning for that piece of quiche, the crust was very flaky and the the quiche was baked just right with the cheese melted. I went downstairs and saw the container that I had put away the quiche last night sitting on the counter, empty! Oldest dd, who is home for the weekend, ate both pieces for breakfast. Not because she enjoyed the quiche so much, but because she couldnt' figure out anything else to eat and was hungry. I just went to the grocery store yesterday, the fridge and pantry are full, but not according to her.

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My dd is stressed because one of teacher's gave a test during the AP exams. The new topic was introduced in class last Thursday. Dd was absent from class due to a doctor's appointment. She missed class on Monday and Tuesday due to AP exams. When she was in class Wed, they reviewed the material and were given a test on Thursday (yesterday). Dd told the teacher she was prepared for the test because she hadn't had time to learn the material. The teacher said since she was there for the review, she had to take the test. She took the test yesterday, but knows she didn't do well because she couldn't finish it because she didn't know the material. Dd typically has the highest grade in the class and usually does really well on the test. She is missing class again today for another AP exam, so she was only in class 3 out of 6 days. We emailed the teacher last night and she got back to me saying she purposely sqeeezed in the test between AP exams she dd would be there to take it. The teacher said dd was given the review sheet last Friday, so even though she's missed class, she's had the sheet to review on the days she wasn't there.


That is so frustrating! She shouldn't be worried about learning new material on her own time while she is taking AP exams because she is supposed to be using that time to prepare for the exams.


This teacher is proud of dd doing so well in her class, so I am guessing that she will make this right. If not, dh and I will be taking this further. Taking AP exams shouldn't have a negative affect their grade in other classes.


The same thing happened earlier this year when dd was supposed to make-up Keystone tests that missed due to concussions last year. The teachers pile on the work and don't give any time extensions to being absent. It stressed dd out so much that the principals decided that they didn't want her to take them then so now she has to next week (or whenever). If we are going to go through this again where the teacher's don't give any grace/time extensions due to missing because of the stupid tests, then we are going to not let her take them at all. (Parents have the right, at least for her year, to excuse their kids from the exam. I forgot what it is called when you do this.)


The school should have a policy that if any students in the class are taking Keystones or AP exams, that the teachers can't assign homework or tests during that time. Everyone is aware of those times as the school mails us letters to make sure that our kids are well-rested, well-fed, and not absent so they can do their best on those tests.

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