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Accountability Thread: 1/29-2/4

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Week one of February coming up. It will be spring here before I know it. I have nothing onerous scheduled today. Just resting, reading and writing. I'll probably cook two kinds of soup. DH is coughing and running fever this morning. It's only a matter of time before we all have shades of a virus. So best prepare while I can.

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Critter, I sure hope the rest of you don't get sick.


I have nothing planned for today, we had church and a meeting after church. I had already put some money back to have a special treat for dinner tonigh so I didn't have to worry about cooking. We have two appointments this week, I'm sure we'll get a few lessons done around those. I'm doing a bit of research for next year.

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I have a bunch that needs to be done this week and I am not feeling too hot. Not sick. Just weird. My midwife is making me do lots of checks for pre-eclapsia even though nothing is terribly worrying yet. Still I am suddenly needing to have the house completely clean and all the meals planned and all the school adjusted.. Like.. Yesterday :(


I don't even know what to put on my list for tomorrow. I have an appt with the midwife and I need to submit paperwork and work samples for the charter school in order to get our reimbursement (which I should have done last week). I need to teach the kids how to clean the entire house and have them finish all the workbooks :-p

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Still I am suddenly needing to have the house completely clean and all the meals planned and all the school adjusted.. Like.. Yesterday  :(

Rest. Drink lots of water. Repeat. Then take care of the only pressing thing on the list--the paperwork. The kids actually can have a lot of fun cleaning the house at that age as long as you keep it no-pressure and don't mind things that are not cleaned as well as you would like. Meals, I find, tend to take care of themselves as long as people don't mind cereal, or toast and egg, or fruit and cheese. Or sandwiches. Or takeout. 


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Today's schedule:

DH is home sick--keep him out of the kitchen.

French-Lesson 9 to start today

Latin-Worksheet 6, review grammar

Math-Lesson 3, 1 page KTD

Grammar/Composition-choose new words for spelling, copy; Lesson 6 on apostrophe use in KISS, Week 9, WWS, Day 1

History-Cp 5, Mughals, answer questions, additional reading in John Smith

Science-Carbon Chemistry Cp 5, questions, additional reading in Elements

Creative Writing-Week 14, Narratives in first person

Literature-Finish reading A Christmas Carol


For me-French, Latin, Geometry, Writing, Housekeeping, Cooking

And the housekeeping is done. :D I was on the stick this morning. 

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Today we've done ortho appointment for the last time!! Math for both boys, spelling, Spanish and piano practice for youngest. We won't get to our afternoon work because we are going to help someone in need out. I signed up for a one day class titled learning to teach special needs students for next month, something for me to be excited about for Feb. got vision appointment made for next month too.

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Rest. Drink lots of water. Repeat. Then take care of the only pressing thing on the list--the paperwork. The kids actually can have a lot of fun cleaning the house at that age as long as you keep it no-pressure and don't mind things that are not cleaned as well as you would like. Meals, I find, tend to take care of themselves as long as people don't mind cereal, or toast and egg, or fruit and cheese. Or sandwiches. Or takeout. 


Thank you.

We are skipping school this morning so I am not a crazy person. Taking care of paperwork. Halfway done now. I am giving myself a 1 hour deadline to finish it all. I had the kids do an organizing project for me before playing outside.


Still feeling pretty light headed and terribly winded if I try and actually do anything so I am dreading this appt. this afternoon. Hopefully they will tell me life caught up with me but nothing is actually wrong. 

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Monday -


I am all caught up in lesson planning just in time for dd to get stuck in algebra.  I actually know how to do it but my standard explanation is being met with tears and blank looks.  She doesn't want dh to explain it because (in her words) he will do each step followed by a "right?" (which is met by silence because she doesn't want to admit that she has no idea what he did in the step) and she is none the wiser at the end of it.  I'm going to sit down with the book now and my computer to see if I can find some alternative ways to explain things hoping that one of them will set off a lightbulb. 

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No virus among us yet. 

Today's schedule:

French-continue lesson 9, vocabulary review

Latin-continue lesson, vocabulary review, half of worksheet 7

Math-Lesson 4, 1 page KTD

Grammar/Composition-Spelling practice, lesson 7 in KISS on apostrophes, Day 2 WWS

History/Science-swap from yesterday

Literature/Creative writing-swap from yesterday


For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Writing, Housekeeping, Writers' Meeting


Today the boys took over the kitchen cleaning while I walked the dogs. I got back and they were nearly done, so I took over some of the mopping, and we all ended up with 30 minutes of spare time before school. :thumbup:

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We had a lovely laughter filled time doing algebra and logic together this morning.  No tears.  No sullen looks.  I like teaching directly with the white board.  I'm actually amazed that I can still teach algebra in person halfway through the book.


Hopefully it goes as well when I teach writing directly (something she HATES) later. 

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Happy warm Tuesday afternoon, everyone!


Monday dh had a doctor's appointment 2 hours away and we had some other business to take care of in the same area so it was a long day. I sent backpacks full of educational fun things for the big kids to do at the sitter's. So I'm counting an hour of school towards our yearly requirement. :D


Today we had a bunch of morning errands to do, a lot of which were time sensitive and the other portion were follow up things from yesterday. So it's going on 2:00, we've just finished lunch, the baby is rocking to sleep for a nap, and I'm ready for a nap rather than school lessons! The big kids are enjoying the nice weather outside so I think I'll just leave well enough alone and get the basics done when they come inside. I'd like to hit phonics, buddy reading, handwriting, and a short math lesson with ds and a solid math lesson and a little handwriting remediation with dd. She's already done piano practice and science independently.


Critter- keeping avoiding that virus!


CadenceSophia- good for you canceling school to get the paperwork done! I hope all is well with you and baby. Take care of yourself! :grouphug:

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I am well so back on track tomorrow (At least somewhat). Pregnancy concerns just turned out to be allergy/asthma (we think) followed by a good round of low blood pressure. Nothing bad so for the rest of the pregnancy I will treat everything like allergy fist.


My day tomorrow will be interrupted by yet another appraiser. Hopefully we'll get at least minimum schooling done between that, Costco, parkour, and evening Liturgy.

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I am well so back on track tomorrow (At least somewhat). Pregnancy concerns just turned out to be allergy/asthma (we think) followed by a good round of low blood pressure. Nothing bad so for the rest of the pregnancy I will treat everything like allergy fist. 

Glad things turned out to have a benign cause.


Today's schedule:

French-review today

Latin-finish translation page, review


Grammar/Composition-spelling practice, KISS lesson 8 on quotation marks, WWS Day 3

History-OUP finish Cp 5, questions, additional reading

Science-Carbon Chem, finish Cp 5, questions, additional reading

Creative Writing-finish second part of exercise on POV

Literature-Read essay in Breakfast On Mars


For me-French, Latin, Geometry, Writing, Housekeeping, Cooking. Pizza and movie night.

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It got cold on me. :sad: I was enjoying the warmer weather. However, no virus has got me yet!

Today's schedule-

Art-watercolor painting, sketching, daydreaming

Math-Lesson 6, 1 page KTD

Logic-Fallacy 2 in Art of Argument (Popcorn will be served)


For me-Painting, Writing, Housekeeping, Library. A little cooking. 


So far I love our light day on Thursday. It kept Friday from being overwhelming last week, and I hope it will do the same this week.

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It's Friday....

Today's schedule:



Math-Lesson 7, 1 page KTD

Grammar/Composition-spelling quiz, Day 4 in WWS, Ex 8 in KISS on missing punctuation

History/Science-swap from Wednesday

Lit/Creative Writing-swap from Wednesday


For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Critique, School Planning, Housekeeping, Writing.

First up-walk the dogs a mile, and then get the housekeeping done. Then school, the critique and the planning. Write all afternoon and evening.

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Where'd everyone go?? Critter, you're so faithful!


It's turned into a rough week here so I haven't posted. School has been catch as catch can, as has laundry, showers, and errands. :glare: I am determined to get back on track next week! This weekend will be all about getting some new chore and screen time routines in place so we can get back on track and start fresh next week.

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I'm here! Trying for a regular school day today after all the crazy this week. Also going to try and clean ds8's bedroom. He's ended up with ALL the toys in the house stored in his room and we haven't seen the floor in two weeks. Need to fix the underlying organizational issue today so the poor the kid can sleep in a decent space.

All four of my kids need haircuts so I think I'll do that with tubs/showers this afternoon

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Trying to catch up on grading on this Saturday afternoon.  Dd did all her school during the week but I fell behind.


Algebra all graded and done for the week.


Logic all graded and done for the week.


Japanese all graded and done for the week.


Literature all graded and done for the week.


Grammar all graded and done for the week.


Biology all graded and done for the week.


World Geography all graded and done for the week.

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