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Transcript for entering traditional school - is one needed?

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It really depends on the school. When my older ds returned to public school in 9th grade I made a simple transcript for him covering the previous 2 years of work. I listed the subjects he studied, by year, with minor detail. Then I attached either a photocopy of the contents page from his textbook, or created a general listing for subjects where no specific textbook was used, and a list of all books read by year. In NC we also have to test yearly so I attached a copy of the test results. I did not attach any actual work completed, just lists showing what was covered.

When my younger ds started public school this year, 8th grade, I did a similar thing but the school requested I also provide grades for each subject through the past three years. Ugh! I had not tracked my ds's learning that way except for math where I was able to look back and see concrete scores. I ended up generalizing a lot of how his work had gone during particular studies and came up with grades for him that way. The school was satisfied with what I provided, but the test score was what they used to decide his class placements.


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Most accredited high schools will not accept your homeschool transcript, if what you're hoping is that they'll give a diploma at the end of senior year. A private school may. They may or may not place the student in requested grade level classes. They may require testing. I would discuss this with the school you may decide to enroll your students in before taking advice from anyone online, as every district is going to have different policies.


ETA, if you're entering 9th, there shouldn't be a problem, as most high schools do not accumulate credits until this time. My examples are for students who enter high school after doing some high school grade level work at home.

Edited by motherofjoy
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It depends. If it's before high school (i.e., 9th grade), then standardized test scores and a final "report card" from 8th grade would *probably* be enough. Above 9th grade...you're playing with fire. Public (and private) schools are notorious for not accept credits for courses done at home, regardless of documentation.


What would be helpful to have if you decide at some point to put your dc in school, for each child:


  • Photocopies of birth certificates
  • Immunization records
  • Some sort of report cards for at least the most recently completed grade
  • Standardized test scores (even if testing is not required in your state; plan ahead so you can have test scores back in time)
  • If using basal readers, the name of the publisher/series and the most recent one completed

Keep these records in a folder (technically called a "cum" [cumulative] file)You will have an easier job of enrolling the dc if you go to the school prepared.

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Almost all schools before the high school will take a child without any transcript and place them in the grade that you asign assuming it is not hugely outside normal age limits.


If you are planning on a child going to high school they really need to start in the 9th grade. Most high schools will not accept a transcript from a homeschool for credit so it is almost impossible for the child to get enough credits to graduate without doing four years of school from the time they enter.

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