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  1. 1. CC or Co-op for 8th grade and High School

    • CC
    • Co-Op

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This is for my outside the box, but very bright social artistic girl.  She likes the idea of CC because of the possibility of getting to know the other kids better, in a small group.  She likes the curriculum at the co-op slightly better.  


Option A- Classical Conversations - small community for A and B which feeds into larger community for CH 1-3 and sometimes 4.  Community includes weekly lunch, the class time, as well as occasional events and field trips either on its own or within the larger CC community.  In high school CC tutors are just "tutors," they do not grade student work and are not expected to answer mid week emails about Science, etc.  CC is very organized and very thorough.  I would probably sign dd up for an online Latin class but I expect I'd still have to, at least for a year, learn Latin alongside her (I am very proficient in Spanish and know quite a bit of Portuguese.)  My dd has had a year of Spanish with Duolingo.


Option B- VERY established homeschool class center (not a co-op where moms teach), The anchor to her lessons would be David Quine's Worldview Curriculum.  They also offer an EXCELLENT Spanish teacher (I sat in and was very impressed), Science classes for 4 years of high school Science (no physics though), and an excellent writing class that my son currently takes.  (He will be more than prepared to take AP Eng online),  The co-op has some clubs (yearbook for example) and occasional social events.



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Well, it kind of sounds like the co-op is better on a ton of fronts and CC is only better for the possibility of maybe making closer friends but no guarantee.  Or maybe I am misreading what you are saying.  If so, sorry.  :)


Is there any way through the homeschooling co-op to generate friends?  Is there any time where the families eat together/hang out?  Could you invite kids over or to a park sometimes?

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One Step- ok, so there aren't any downsides that I know of with the co-op.  My son goes there and they have study halls for those in-between times, which are closely monitored and kids are not allowed to play video games or watch movies.  


At the co-op it takes longer and you have to work harder to make friends/acquaintances because of its size, and the fact that not all kids take the same classes.  But, my dd does already have two friends there- good friends from nice families that we trust :)


My dd is very drawn to CC because of the small size and a personal invite from a dear friend :)  For some reason I have always been totally turned off by it whereas now, with the particular friend inviting us, and the stage my dd is, it seems like it *could* work well. 


BUT I really worry that joining CC would really derail our homeschooling if it's not a good fit- at the Challenge level you basically go with the entire program or not.  You can use your own math, but everything else is lock-step. We homeschool largely for variety and independence in curricular and academic decisions.  At the co-op you are only signed up for one class, for that year. :)  

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I say Co-op because it sounds better overall in terms of the program and while socializing might take a little more effort, it doesn't sound impossible or anything. But I'm biased against CC. And so is this whole board. So I'm thinking that might be skewing your results.


If the co-op is more pricey than CC, it must be pretty pricey. But it sounds like you're getting more for your money - actual teachers who actually teach and evaluate, which is different from the CC model.

Edited by Farrar
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True, yes I would even put myself in the category of being biased against CC, for many situations (not all)...I have seen and visited foundations and while it wasn't a fit for us, I get it and thought it was cool. I have seen essentials curriculum and pretty much hate it across the board.  I hated Shurley Grammar (although they use their own now), we hated the chart-memorization thing, we hated hated hated IEW (and with no IEW GASP) my son is one of the best if not the best writer in his 11th-12th grade writing class (he is in 9th) ....Essentials to me is just so much rote memory and drilling. It would have killed my kids.  But then Challenge sort of pulls through on the other side a bit.  IDK  

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Well, I am pro CC, but the question for you is if you want two kids on two different schedules.  I wouldn't want that. 


As far as being "locked into" the curriculum.  CH III and IV still have the option of paying only for the strands you want.  For CH I and II - we have had kids not do the subject at home, yet seminar time can be structured so that they can still participate.  I have had students that are not doing the same science or not doing Latin and yet they participate in class with the rest of the students.

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Thanks for your thoughts Brenda.


With CC you can opt out of certain strands but the overall curriculum is still pretty much the same and all planned out.


With the co-op, and online classes, you're really only locked in for one year. If you dislike apologia for example you can try something else. If you love Spanish but don't mesh with the teacher you can try online Spanish. Or if you decide to do something unusual and take Portuguese (one of my heritage languages) you can focus on that. The fact is CC is not that flexible because once you switch out more than maybe two subjects what's the point (assuming you have other options like we do) ....


But to me that's the strength of CC is that it's all carefully planned out to prepare for every next level and flow from

One year to the next. That is actually why I am drawn to it but I don't necessarily think it's best for my creative ENFP artistic right brained child :)



I love your precious profile pic BTW :)

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The co-op (which is not a co-op) , trained teachers experienced in their field and many with degrees in their field who grade your students papers, answer mid week email questions AND are Godly mentors and examples is 570/class/year. One of those classes actually covers English, history, literature and Bible-

Add in the fees and For those classes it would be about 2000.00/year plus 12 service hours which are easy to fulfill. We would have to do our own math, supplement writing, and that's it.


CC Challenge is about 1400.00 per year.


Both require you to buy your own books so I didn't count that.

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Hands down the co-op. It sounds like a much better fit. There is more flexibility, and actual teachers with backgrounds in their subjects - which is huge. CC doesn't expect much out of their tutors. You'd be surprised at how little training or knowledge they have. And, the structure doesn't really sound like a pro. Most kids work in different levels/speeds for each subject.

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[quote name="Calming Tea" post="7341953" timestamp=





I love your precious profile pic BTW :)


Aww thanks! The blonde head kid is graduating this year!


It looks like you've got a some great options. And if people have approached you for directing it's probably because they recognize you as an awesome home educator!

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