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Times Tales


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I got it for ods in September or so. In fact, I think I got it from an educents sale too. We really like it. I played the DVD during lunch for a few days. Even my 3 yo could repeat the stories. There are some worksheets that come with it, and I made a cube to play the dice game. However, we ended up just rewatching the videos and then using the flash cards that have the characters on them. Overall, I think it's an interesting, effective way to switch things up. There is no conceptual teaching at all, so you'll want to make sure that's been covered in your math program before you start times tales.


Our math facts practice, in case you are interested in other ideas, is Monday-times tales, Tuesday-sushi monster app, Thursday-math evolve app, Friday-listen to and/or sing skip counting songs from various sources. None requires me to sit and play games with a bunch of pieces. All are more interesting than standard drill and kill.

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This is how my now-11 year-old memorized her multiplication tables a few years ago!  She loved it.  It was a very painless way to memorize them.  She could remember the little stories very well, but I couldn't.  Actually getting ready to get it out later this year and use it with the 9 year-old...  


Edited to add:  Not sure it will work with my extreme-left-brained 9 year-old.  But, I'm going to try.

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I found it at a thrift store and had my son look it over.  He had absolutely no interest in it - thought it was weird.


I don't know if it would have helped him, but since he wasn't even willing to give it a shot I figure it probably wouldn't do the trick anyway.  He ended up memorizing all but 7x8 in a month anyway, so..oh well.  He cheats, though.  He memorized up to 5x the numbers, and then adds two together (so 7x8 becomes 5x8 + 2x8)

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