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question about fasting for blood tests


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I do not know which tests I'm having.  I was just told to fast.  Problem is I stopped eating at 5:30 tonight and this test isn't happening until after 10:30 tomorrow morning.  Do you think that is too long?  Should I mention it?  You'd think they would have scheduled this test a bit sooner in the day.  I avoid eating too close to bed time because of the reflux so having a snack at 10 tonight is really not a good idea. 


See this whole thing is irritating the heck out of me.  No useful guidelines.  No consideration for what works for me.  Just willy nilly nonsense.  They could have scheduled this part at a lab prior to this.  Now I may go and waste my time.


Maybe it's not a big deal.  I really do not know though.





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I've been told nothing for at least 12 hours before testing except water and unsweetened black coffee/tea were allowed. Most days I can manage to go at least 12 hours without food as long as I have something to drink.


ETA: do you have to go to the lab that late? Our doctor's office allows you to drop in for lab draws (on site). Dh (who gets them way more often than I do) usually goes in at 8am a week before his doc appt.

Edited by Cinder
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I've been told nothing for at least 12 hours before testing except water and unsweetened black coffee/tea were allowed. Most days I can manage to go at least 12 hours without food as long as I have something to drink.


Well this will be 17 hours.


I can easily go that long.  I just don't know if that is ideal for these tests. 

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You could call the on-call doctor and ask for specific information.  Or, call the office first thing in the morning?  Though maybe that will be too late.


Does your office schedule the blood tests for you?   The way it works here, we get the prescription for the test, then make our own arrangements with the lab (if the lab takes appointments; some do, some don't).  


Anyway, sorry it is not working out well.  I hope you get it resolved quickly!


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You want at least twelve hours of no food, but longer is fine. I had a fasted blood glucose a few weeks ago and stopped eating at 7-ish but the blood draw wasn't until 2:15. I drank a lot of water and was quite hungry but it didn't hurt anything :)

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Longer will be fine. If I were you, I'd ask to do the blood draw lying down. Fasting draws are more likely to make people feel woozy and since you're doing an extra long fast I'd take an extra precaution. 


fwiw, the common tests requiring a fast are glucose ( ie diabetes testing) & lipid panels. 


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You could call the on-call doctor and ask for specific information.  Or, call the office first thing in the morning?  Though maybe that will be too late.


Does your office schedule the blood tests for you?   The way it works here, we get the prescription for the test, then make our own arrangements with the lab (if the lab takes appointments; some do, some don't).  


Anyway, sorry it is not working out well.  I hope you get it resolved quickly!


I assume since she said come after fasting they will do it there, but I don't know. 

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Agree with the others, longer is fine, it is the minimum that must be met (usually no food for 12 hours prior to blood tests).  Unless of course you cannot maintain safe blood sugar levels going more than 12 hours, I would just consider what you ate at 5:30 your final meal.  I would definitely drink water, though, unless they told you not to.  Drink some water tonight.  As soon as you get up drink more water.  I don't mean a tiny sip.  I mean drink water.  It will be much harder to get a blood draw if you are dehydrated.

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