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Accountability Thread: 11/13-1119

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We had a heavy frost this morning. That's almost three weeks late in my book, but welcome by all but my cats, who were not pleased with a cold house and demanded heat this morning. I've got school planning to do today. I meant to do it yesterday, but didn't really have the time or energy. I don't think it will take me long. I already have the rough outline and the template in the computer.

After that, I've got some catch-up writing to do. I'm sitting at just over 40K for NaNoWriMo, with 100K as my goal, so I need to pass 50K by Tuesday if I want to take any days off from writing over Thanksgiving break.

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Happy Monday morning! I have a lot to do this week, and I am so ready for a break. If I can get everything accomplished, then next week all I have to do is keep the children alive.




housekeeping: quick pickup, clean bathrooms

School: math, phonics, science, read aloud

errands: bank, groceries, Walmart

online: pay bills, order gifts from Amazon

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Morning y'all! I'll tell you if it's a good one or not when I figure out what it's going to be good for. Working on figuring that out.

It's going to be a good morning for:

School Schedule

French-CAP Lesson 2, Memory, Audio, DVD

Latin-Lesson 5 continued, vocabulary review, worksheet 5

Math-1/2 of lesson 14, 1 page KTD

Grammar/Composition-New words, exercise 14a in grammar, Creative writer week 9, improving dialogue. I actually like this chapter and the exercise, so I don't have to scramble this week like I did last week.

History-Cp 11 in Voyages, questions, additional reading

Science-Cp 6 in Elements, activity 1, additional reading


For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Writing (shooting for 4K today and to break 50K total for my combined NaNoWriMo project today) and a little housekeeping. No cooking-we've got leftovers to eat. Oh, I also have three critiques to do, write and get out. :willy_nilly:


That ought to be enough to get on with. :001_smile:

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Math/Spelling= 5 days per week

French/Latin/Grammar/Formal Writing=4 days per week

History/Science=2 days per week (boys rotate these subjects)

Logic/Literature/Art=1 day per week


For November.

Typically we would have French and Latin 5 days a week, and Literature and Creative Writing 2 days per week (rotates like History and Science). But we are on a short schedule while I'm writing 4K per day. Back to our regular days in December I think.


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Critter-thank you! How do you do the additional reading for history and science? Do they do it immediately after doing history or science? 


Yes, right after they do their text reading and questions or activities they do their additional reading. In science, they are going through Gray's book on Elements, and making a page in their notebook on the elements they are assigned to read. In history, they are just reading a narrative history book, and I don't have anything assigned but the reading. The questions that go along with history are usually enough, and history has never been a favorite subject. I try not to make it too onerous.

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Well, Jean I sort of tackled Monday with you. We got

Piano lesson done

I let the masses feed themselves

My youngest took charge of his day and did his math, spelling test, cursive practice, Spanish, history, morning time and literature. He also decided that he needs to read more so, I put 10 min of quiet reading on his schedule. Oh and he needs his own planner, he brought me an old spiral to write his stuff in so that he can check it off. My older one is not nearly as motivated as his brother, he had to get a stern talking to and was only able to finish his devotional, a little bit of math and his history questions. I've really got to start giving him homework if this keeps up, its getting ridiculous now. I finished my book, it was adorable!! Now, I'm trying to decide what to read next.

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Today was so rough but I gave it everything I had and we should be on better ground tomorrow. We started on the wrong foot with a messy kitchen and by the time I had done breakfasts, gotten the kids dressed, had them pick up their dirty laundry and help me clean up the kitchen/school table.. It was too late to do school before ice skating lessons. I am convinced my kids are the slowest people on earth.


We did accomplish: math for DS8 and DD6, spelling/handwriting for DS, DD wrote a book and drew the pictures on her own so I am calling that LA and art for the day. They both did their independent reading and DS and I had read aloud time, which DD missed because she was having some kind of fit.


We are totally over scheduled with extra curriculars at the moment. This ice skating at lunch time 2 days a week is really not working out for me or school, but DH has wanted the kids to do these lessons for a year and it's only 6 weeks. I figured I could survive 6 weeks but I am not sure. I don't know how people spend so much time out of the house and sill get things done. My family just isn't built for it. Anyway.

Tomorrow I am hoping to accomplish:



Piano lessons

Flip through BFSU and plan a dinner time discussion, maybe find some youtube videos

Code.org classes

French lessons


And we need to clean at least 2 rooms. Plenty to choose from since they are all a mess hehe.

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French-continue chapter 2, grammar focus

Latin-some conjugation practice for lesson 5, review grammar

Math-finish lesson from yesterday, 1 page KTD

Grammar/Composition-spelling practice, grammar exercise (boys are getting good at picking out prepositional phrases), continue working on the creative writing project. They had fun fixing dialogue yesterday, I think.

History/Science-swap from yesterday


For me: French, Latin, Geometry (hey, I got to circles yesterday!), Writing, Housekeeping, Writers' meeting. I did not have time to get any critiques done this week. I may try to put some together to take with me tonight, or just ask nicely if I can send them this week so that the authors have the Thanksgiving break to play with them and figure out what they want to do with their stories when they might have more time to work with them. I will at least take a look at the pieces today so I can offer positive feedback tonight.

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Today's schedule:

French-CAP worksheets

Latin-finish translation in lesson 5

Math-Lesson 15, half a lesson, 1 page KTD

Grammar/Composition-Spelling practice, KISS grammar 1/2 exercise, Creative Writing-continue working with dialogue in a story

History-finish chapter, questions, additional reading

Science-finish chapter, activities, additional reading

Art-work on watercolors for tomorrow--both boys have some back grounds to finish before they can get on with painting, and I've got a sketch to do


For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Writing, Art, a little housekeeping and maybe a little cooking. I stayed up rather late last night writing, and I have 4K to write today, including one very tense scene. A nap this afternoon would be wonderful, but I will probably just have to settle for an early bedtime.

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Did I post yesterday? I don't think that I did.


Ds is exhausted trying to juggle college and work. He's going to see if he can at least get finals week off from work. He did go to bed at a decent hour last night. He's not studying quite the way that I would. I'm doing that dance where I bite my lip and let him be a grown up while still making a suggestion or two for his consideration.


Dd got through all her subjects yesterday. I got through all the grading except for biology.



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Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Yesterday was awesome. Got basically everything done except the cleaning and had a good school day. All essentials done by lunch.


Today is my super scary over scheduled day. I'm still laying in bed and I am in a panic. Need to feed, dress the kids, do school and leave the house by noon for ice skating, then we come home for 30 mins and need to leave for parkour, then we are home for 1.5 hours for dinner and changing clothes and we leave again for religious education classes. I teach and the kids attend. It runs us right until 8pm


My only goals outside of survival are minimal math and 5 words from SWR for DS8.

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Thank goodness, the site has decided that i'm ok and is now allowing me to post, lol. Youngest is done for the day, he could've been done earlier but he took a nice long break. Everything on his list was done and done well I might add. Can I just say," Oh what a difference a list makes?" He loves having it and works straight down it, I hope the excitement lasts the whole year. The oldest is at the ortho getting his retainers fixed again and then he has a few more things to complete before his day is done. I need to think of something for dinner and then we have mid week service.

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School is done (been done for a while). Housekeeping done. Not going to cook. It's pizza night, and I'm going to have fruit, cheese and watch Despicable Me for the umpteenth time with the boys and be happy. :laugh:


Yay for movie and pizza night and happiness!!


I think we need to make a trip to the pens office tomorrow, I called my big boy in for dinner and he was standing in the kitchen door talking to me and dropped like a rock, he hit his head pretty hard, thank goodness no blood. I would've chalked it up to low blood sugar or not eating lunch except that last week he bit his retainer in half in his sleep so, I'm thinkinghe needs to be checked out, make sure nothing is going on.

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I think we need to make a trip to the pens office tomorrow, I called my big boy in for dinner and he was standing in the kitchen door talking to me and dropped like a rock, he hit his head pretty hard, thank goodness no blood. I would've chalked it up to low blood sugar or not eating lunch except that last week he bit his retainer in half in his sleep so, I'm thinkinghe needs to be checked out, make sure nothing is going on. 


Goodness! I hope it is nothing. That sounds pretty scary.

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It was terrifying!

Hope everything is alright. Will keep you guys in our thoughts.



I did today. Only did math for school, nothing else. DS8 pitched a fit and told me he hates math -- his former favorite subject. I am adding "figure out what the heck to do about that" to the to do list tomorrow.


Thursday's list:

-Bill Nye episode on Sound

-science talk in the car as I take kids to 20 week ultrasound appointment. (Gender! Squee!)

-SWR for DS

-Independent reading

-Some sort of school activity for DD (she is basically unschooled but I need to remind her it is school time)

-practice piano


For me


- drop off charter school reimbursement stuff

-two errands I need to run

-ponder the math issue, maybe post about it

-clean something. I give up trying to plan what that will be.

-finish off the last two loads of laundry.



Probably going to call it quits early tomorrow and have a baby gender ice cream party and let the kids decompress with Minecraft.

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Don't know how much we're going to do today, I overslept and it's my birthday and I just want to relax! I know we'll get to morning time, piano practice, math and some sort of literature. Once that is done I will let them shower me with my gifts and then I will watch some oldies but favorite movies until I pass out, lol. At least that is what I hope happens, I'm also going to put in a call to the pediatrician.

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Thursday already?! I have had such a hard time getting here to post lately.


Ds is still struggling with his asthma, so meds, chats with his allergy/asthma doc, encouraging fluids and food have been keeping me busy.


Dd has been doing well with school work with the exception of one or two things we'll get sorted soon enough. She's been able to do all her lessons every day no matter what appointments, sick kids, babysitting kids, or whatever else is going on threatening to derail her schedule. Sometimes she's practicing piano right before bed, or doing some other subject on the kitchen floor while I make dinner and help her but I don't care, I'm just happy it's getting done.


Dh and I were given audio of a conference we were scheduled to attend but weren't able to due to health issues in the family. So we've been listening to that some in the evenings.


We have a big family weekend this weekend, assuming everyone is healthy by then. I have two big dinners to make and two desserts. So I need to plan out my schedule for cooking and baking and plan a trip to the store. Hopefully I can get to the store today because Fridays are crazy busy. Plus cleaning the house and catching up laundry so everyone has enough clothes for the weekend and I don't have to do laundry while cooking, baking, and entertaining.


Critter- we had a movie night, too! We watched Finding Dory and ate Reese's peanut butter cups!


Mama25- I hope your ds is ok and it's nothing serious. :grouphug:


CadenceSophia- welcome! :)

Edited by MrsRobinson
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Rain and thunder here this morning. Perfect for a scene I'm working on today.

Today's schedule:




Grammar/Composition-Spelling Quiz, no grammar, free writing

Logic-another lesson out of Art and Argument

Literature-none--we used the piece for grammar two days this week


For me: French, Latin, Writing, Housekeeping, Cooking. And all I really want to do is listen to the rain and write. :glare:

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We have a beautiful day today but, it's supposed to get really cold this weekend. Our schedule for today is


Laundry--in progress

Dishwasher unloaded--done

Clean litter boxes--done

Get my steps in--in progress

Pediatric appointment

School for boys


Let me leave you guys with a funny, since yesterday was my birthday I decided to take it easy, so I didn't do much and only took a short walk. I walked around the house a bit to see if it would help me get mt steps in but I wasn't too worried about it so, I neglected to check them again before going to bed. I checked them this morning and I had 6,996 steps 4 short of my goal, lol.

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