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If it is just your immediate family for thanksgiving


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We usually have Thanksgiving at home.  We watch the parade on tv and have our turkey in the evening (though earlier than our usual dinner).  I have never had a Thanksgiving without turkey.  Last year, we had two of my son's friends come over too and we watched football too.  Every other year my daughter and her husband come for Thanksgiving. (They either come for Thanksgiving or for Christmas).  So this year they are coming for Thanksgiving so we will have a full house and I think we may still have my son's friend over too.  (The other friend is now married and I am not even sure he is still stationed within driving distance from us anymore).  At least the youngest and the oldest of my kids will be helping cook and my dh helps cook too.  Actually I know I can count on everyone helping.  I was scared last Thanksgiving because of non family guests but it was wonderful.  All these adults around to help-  I didn't have to do everything myself and that was so great.

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It is always just our family.


We watch the parade.

We cook a lavish feast *together*. It is a feast of stuff *we* like.

We decorate and set the table together...candles, leaves, pumpkins, cloth napkins etc.

We watch a Christmas movie.

We pause the movie and grab dessert to eat during the movie. I buy an assortment of little premade treats.

We discuss thankfulness and usually choose several people or organizations to send a thank you note to. When dc were younger we used leaf shapes to list things we were grateful for.


I really enjoy Thanksgiving without the running around.

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Last year we had an asian fusion meal (dh is ethnically chinese, wholly american) -- each kid got a printed recipe and I bought the ingredients. And then we went for a 2-mile walk around a little local lake.


I don't do dead birds.


This year we may do Italian, which is my heritage.

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We make a thankful poster. I'm thankful for... and we fill a huge poster with words and images of what we're thankful for. It takes all day and the whole family works on it on and off with colorful sharpies. It's normal thankfulness and zany stuff too like being thankful for toilet paper and light bulbs.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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