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Good unlocked phone


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Any recommendations for a good unlocked phone? The kids have AT&T sim cards for their phones. We bought them cheapie phones, and the phones had middling reviews but I thought they'd be okay - the main complaints were people who had bought the wrong phone (they wouldn't take all SIM cards) and people who wanted it to do more than talk and text (I didn't care if it had no storage). I should have paid more attention to the fact that some users had charging issues. The stupid things won't hold a charge for more than an hour. Ugh.


So... I'm thinking that maybe we'll get them actually decent ones as their main Xmas gift. Maybe as an early Xmas gift. I don't know if I can make it through Nutcracker without ds having a phone.


The SIM cards are for talk and text only. No data. But a cheapie smartphone would be a nice gift for them. Something that would take a few apps and that would work on wifi. I'm thinking maybe in the $50 range? Maybe a little more?



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We got the Moto G 4 unlocked with the Amazon Prime deal and it has worked very well for DS1.  I have AT&T, and he has T-Mobile, and he gets better service at our house than I do.



DS2 has the Blu phone which is unlocked on Amazon and it works well, too.  I think the Moto 4G/G4 (Now I'm questioning myself) is better, but we've had the Blu for 2+ months now with zero issues. 

Edited by umsami
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The Moto G is $99, which is a little more than I'd like to spend, but within possibilities. Looks like the Moto Z is way out of my range.


The phones I got them were super cheap BLU ones so now I'm feeling wary about the BLU brand. The ones I got the kids were BLU Dash - they were less than $20 so it's not like I expected much. If I could have found an old fashioned phone with the little sliding keyboard I would have gotten that probably. Which one do you have, Umsami? Is it the BLU Advance:



Because that one is definitely the price I'd like to pay.


ETA: It seems like a lot of the reviews of that BLU also call it out on charging issues. I don't feel like I can try it again, especially not at that cost. I was willing to get a slight dud for less than $20, but I don't think I'd trust a BLU that cost more now...


Sounds like the Moto might be good. Anyone else?

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My preference would be in this order, if money was not a consideration: Motorola, Samsung, Lenovo.


Since money IS a consideration, I would put them in this order: Samsung, Lenovo, Motorola.


Lenovo owns Motorola Mobility.  I believe you will probably find some excellent Samsung smart phones (low end phones, like the one I have, which came out in 2014) at low prices.  Here in Colombia, Motorola phones are much more expensive.  We buy new phones here, in a superstore. They are "Unlocked" and "Unbranded" (they left the factory that way) and have a factory warranty.  If you can get phones like that, it is the best case, because the software was not altered for a particular Carrier/Provider.  My phone was branded to a Carrier (Movistar)  but it is unlocked.  


NOTE: The Android OS in Motorola phones is closer to a "pure" Android OS.  Fewer modifications...


Samsung makes a lot of alterations to Android, so the operation of a Samsung phone is slightly different. It is not Rocket Science.  


My wife bought me a new Motorola phone, the first week in February, and then about 2 months later, suddenly and unexpectedly, I gave it to DIL, because her phone didn't survive the last drop and she needed it for her work.  So, I am using this old (2014)) Samsung.  After using the Samsung for a couple of months, I could not remember what is different between the Motorola and the Samsung.   But, the "Dummies" book I bought for Android phones has, on almost every page, notes like "On a Samsung, it works like this...."


In our house now there are Motorola phones, a Lenovo which my wife says is identical to her Motorola, which she bought for my Stepson, and at least one Samsung.  They all work very well. DD has an Altacel  "Dumb" phone. She had been using this Samsung phone until DIL destroyed her Smart phone.


In the Used market, old Nokia "Dumb" phones were  outstanding in our experience.  However, I would not buy one, unless I could confirm that new batteries are available for it now.  

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I would not buy an LG phone. My Stepson bought a new one (mid price or  high end) from one of the Carriers here, years ago, and it was a "lemon".  I believe one could get a "lemon", with any brand, but the carrier gave him the "Run Around" before they gave him another phone, which I believe was a different brand. He took it there a number of times for service, before they exchanged the phone. Our family has had a high end LG TV, a high end LG "Theater in House" or whatever those are called in English, and they did not provide us with the service that Samsung products have provided our family.  When we go into the superstore, my wife generally goes directly to the Samsung products, we have a Samsung Washing Machine which she loves and she bought a Samsung Microwave Oven. Any brand might have a "lemon" from time to time, but I suggest you read the Reviews, so you can try to avoid a model which is known to be problematic.  I read the Reviews on Amazon and suggest that you do that too.  

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So, Lanny, something like the Samsung Galaxy J1 is definitely in my price range:



I'd mostly just like to keep it under $100...


$77.99 including Shipping. I'd go for that, immediately,  assuming it is in a Factory Sealed box with a Factory Warranty.


It has Dual SIMs, like my wife's Motorola and my Samsung.   Both of us have 2 SIMs in our phones.  I use the 2nd carrier to send SMS Text messages and for a backup, in case our main carrier is not working (cell down, etc.).     Your link says they have 3 more in stock...  I think that phone is very similar to the Samsung phone I am looking at as I type this...


NOTE: It says it has a Micro SD slot like my Samsung. According to the "Dummies" book, fewer phones have that now.  That is a "plus".  Also, according to the "Dummies" book, many new phones are like the 2 Motorola's (and probably the Lenovo) we bought this year. Their batteries are a PITA to change.  If you get a phone where you can remove/replace the battery in 2 minutes, that's a plus.


A comment in a review I read on that Amazon page said it does not have a flashlight (Samsung calls that a Torch). My Samsung is like that. That is probably the one thing I wish my Samsung had that it does not have.  A flashlight in a cell phone saved many people on 9/11...


NOTE: In the title, it says "LTE" but I suspect that it is NOT 4G LTE capable, from the quick glance on Amazon.  The phone I have is not 4G capable, but  one only needs 4G LTE if one is downloading *huge* files and I would not pay extra, for 4G LTE service from a  provider,   The cell near our house (about one or 2 blocks by air) has HSPA+ which is plenty fast.  That tower may have 4G LTE, so I need to ask  the guy who is an Electronic Engineer for that provider, if it is 4G LTE capable now.


The Samsung I have is a 3G phone (Android 4.4.2) and it does a fine job.  Oh, my wife bought it from her Niece last December. Used. Previously, it had been used by her younger son (I think he played games on it?).  I think he is 6 years old now. So, one might assume that it was abused, if he was 4 or 5 years old, when he was handling it... It does not have "Gorilla Glass" which is something the 2 Motorola's and the Lenovo have, but they cost a lot more... 


NOTE: I think this listing is for that phone on the web site of the superstore where we buy phones, TVs, etc. We buy in their Brick and Mortar store in Cali.


Same price here (prices here include 16% VAT tax).

I am  pretty sure that is a 3G phone, but that should be perfect, unless you are Downloading huge files frequently.   If your tower is like the one near our house, it will work as HSPA+ which is plenty fast. Also, there seem to be a lot of cells in the USA (and probably here in Colombia)  that are not truly capable of 4G LTE, which is the latest technology...  15 of the 16 reviews gave it 5 stars and one gave it 4 stars. On Amazon, it ranked lower,  3.5 stars, but I wonder...


If you can get a phone with 4G LTE, that would be nice to have, in case you ever need to Download huge files, but I have never Downloaded a huge file onto a phone and don't contemplate doing that in the future.  However, the newer phones also have a 4G LTE radio built into them.  4G LTE will (Probably?) consume more of the battery if you are actually using 4G LTE.  If it were a more expensive phone, I would want 4G LTE capability, just to have it and a newer version of Android.

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The SIM cards only do talk and text so everything else will be wifi, so the LTE isn't needed - at least not now - at some point, we might upgrade the plan to have some data, I guess, and we really don't like to buy new phones every year. Thanks, Lanny. That's all good to know.


The Moto G seems good too... but I don't love the Prime deal with the ads.

Edited by Farrar
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You are more than welcome. Earlier this year, I asked the man we know who is an Electronic Engineer for one of the providers here, and has been, for many years,  which brands connect best to their towers. He told me Motorola and Samsung. Possibly LG after those brands.  I assume Lenovos would connect like Motorolas, since Lenovo owns Motorola now, but am not positive. I've never heard any complaints from my stepson about his Lenovo.  Based on the comments I received, I would try to choose from: Motorola, Samsung and Lenovo.  He told me that of the last 5 phones he's gotten, 3 have been Motorolas and 2 have been Samsungs.  

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