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A neat periodic table of the elements


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It goes very well with some videos the University of Nottingham (in the UK) made at periodicvideos.com


There's a little video on each element (you pick from a periodic table), and many of them show how strong it is in explosions. (My boys LOVED this part).

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It goes very well with some videos the University of Nottingham (in the UK) made at periodicvideos.com


There's a little video on each element (you pick from a periodic table), and many of them show how strong it is in explosions. (My boys LOVED this part).

This website is the best!!! We love the videos. They are always blowing things up.

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In case anyone would like to try it with their kids, we used Memorize the Periodic Table by Memorize Academy and my two oldest can both recite all 118 elements in order.  It's a fun party trick.  :-)


The best resource for the periodic table that I've seen is a short part in Ellen McHenry's The Elements.  It's called the Periodic Kingdom and I think it's worth the price of the whole thing!

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I'm not sure if this was already posted...I saw it on FB and thought I'd share.


The Periodic Table of Elements in Pictures and Words


Here is a little more about it, and if you scroll down to the end there's a song too.


We've been using that song to memorize the elements... it's been so fun and we are at the 46(?) element after just a week!

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In case anyone would like to try it with their kids, we used Memorize the Periodic Table by Memorize Academy and my two oldest can both recite all 118 elements in order.  It's a fun party trick.  :-)


The best resource for the periodic table that I've seen is a short part in Ellen McHenry's The Elements.  It's called the Periodic Kingdom and I think it's worth the price of the whole thing!


Can you explain more about how you used Memorize Academy?

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Can you explain more about how you used Memorize Academy?


Sure!  You can actually try the first 20 elements for free, I believe, to see if you like the memory technique used in the videos.  


Basically, we just watched a video and sometimes repeated it once, but one time through was usually enough.  So we memorized the first 50 elements the first week, then slowed down to 2-3 new videos (groups of 10 elements) from there on.  We'd recite what we knew, then watch a new video, recite those, then recite again from the beginning.  Occasionally, the memory link was something my kids didn't have enough background knowledge on to make the connection.  So, for example, we had to watch some videos about Scandinavia and the Vikings to get Scandium, and we watched some videos about the Titanic to get Titanium.  We listed to a few songs by Celine Dion so that they'd know Selenium, etc.   


After we got the first 20-30 elements, we also added in the ASAP Science song to speed up recall.  They can sing that through the lanthanides now, but it gets really, really fast at the end, so we haven't gotten there yet.  


We've just started the Presidents of the US videos but haven't gotten very far yet.  

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