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The Teachers Lounge 11-9-2016


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Good morning! The Election is now OVER! Woohoo! *breathe*


What's on your schedule today? Here: RECOVERY. I worked at one of our polling sites yesterday and I'm tired. 


Any lessons in the Inauguration process planned? Here: haven't decided yet.


Do you have a separate schoolroom in your house? Here: nope. Lessons are done at the dining room table, on the couch, in my room, or in the kids' room.


Hope you're having a GREAT day!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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On the agenda: music lessons, along with school work.  The 6yo got right to working on a thank you letter this morning already for our field trip earlier this week.  He did quite a good job on it, too.  I am listening to a playlist that includes Jewel's "Hands".  It's making me feel better.


No lessons on the inauguration process.  One is too young and the other is too old.


We don't have a separate schoolroom.  In the past we have tried, but really, we all like to be where it is cozy in the winter and outside in the spring.  "School" usually ends up in a backpack or basket wherever we are.  I do have a child sized table in the kitchen that gets a bit of use, but so does the couch, porch, yard, coffee table...LOL  You can probably guess there's no charts or anything up on the walls, either.

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Hi ya, Scrap.


Agenda- keep up with the old grind. Also go to a substitute chiropractor and hope that he doesn't hurt me. (With fibro that is a real possibility. ). My usual chiropractor is out of the country and I need regular treatment to function.


Inaugural lessons- nothing formal. We just talk about things as they come up on the news.


Schoolroom- Do you mean The Schoolroom of Doom which is a hoarders paradise? We don't use it. Instead we homeschool in the bedroom and/or the dining room.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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We have just finished school for the day, except for nighttime subjects.  I know, I know, but the 6yo makes his own schedule, and as he doesn't need me for poetry or Spanish, he prefers to do those after his shower.   It's such a grey day outside that I really just want to curl up and watch a good movie.

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 A movie sounds GREAT! Which one are you thinking about?


Something fun and easy to watch...maybe Buffy.  :lol:  We skipped it on Halloween this year.


Unfortunately, it'll have to wait.  I may be taking the big child back to school for activity period, I still have the baby and 3yo who'll  be getting up from nap soon.  I'm settling for a cuppa tea right now. :)

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