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Maybe we can laugh at something?


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Because we'd just cry otherwise. The Chicago area just elected a judge whose license to practice law is suspended and may be revoked entirely. She is also facing criminal charges for impersonating a judge. She was shadowing a judge after winning the primary last spring and the judge encouraged her to try on the robe and actually rule on several low level cases. The judge she was shadowing will likely be removed from the bench. This is why we are supposed to pay attention to who we are voting for. It's also a good argument against elected judges, but that might be more difficult to correct.

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I've been laughing at the image of every single elector deciding to be a faithless elector and casting their votes to match the popular vote. Of course, it will never happen and it would probably be a disaster if it did, but it's a very funny image!


(I think I got the idea from some movie years ago?)

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