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Suggestions for Pre-AP or honors-level chemistry

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Ds is leaning towards a geology major. He has taken the basic science courses, but I want him to take honors level courses before he graduates. I am really not sure what chemistry to put him in. He did well in Apologia chemistry. Please, please, please suggest a pre-AP chemistry.


He needs a teacher for sure. Potters school and Wilson Hill both use Noverre Accelerated Chemistry for pre-AP. Has anyone used these courses or book? Landry uses Chemistry the Central Science 12th ed by Brown, but this looks like an AP course. Not sure.


He has taken Alg I (Lials), geometry (Holt), and is taking Alg II (Teaching Textbooks with a live teacher... not their DVDs) this year in 11th grade. The plan is to do pre-cal (TT-live teacher) in 12th grade. For science, he has taken Conceptual Physics (9th) and Apologia Chemistry (10th). In 11th, he is working through Regentrude'so College Physics syllabus. He is also working slowly through Thinkwell Biology (Amazon CDs).


I'm not positive the geology major will stick, but I need to prepare him for this hard science in case he does not change his mind. Ds LOVES science truly. He is a smart student. But... intuitive thinking does not come naturally. College Physics is tough. He is mostly self-teaching with help from dh- mechanical engineer. The chemistry I am hoping to find needs to fit between Apologia and a first-year college chemistry. AP Chem would be too much, I think.


I did read the chemistry thread, but I'm hoping for some current first-hand help. Science is so difficult for me. It seems like the one subject I ask about over and over again.


Please give me some ideas😊.

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If he did Apologia chemistry, wouldn't he do AP Chemistry instead of pre-Ap Chemistry?  Pre-Ap Chemistry, from what I understand, is regular Chemistry at a faster pace therefore you cover a little more material.  This is my daughters first year at Wilson Hill Academy.  It has been a great experience.  If you contact them, they are very good about connecting you with a teacher that can help you decide on the best class for your son.  Novarre science is mastery based.  My daughter is using it for Physics this year.  We have always used Apologia and she likes the change.  Because it was our first year of doing online classes I had her do the regular Physics class at WHA.  Next year, however,  I plan on her doing Pre-AP chemistry with WHA.  I've heard wonderful things about WHA Pre-cal/trig class with the teacher Ann Stublen.  You may want to check that class out too.  

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Thanks, ladies. AP chemistry just seems like a huge step. I would not have the expectation for him to take the test unless he chose to try it. My primary goal is exposure to concepts so that college chemistry isn't such a shock.


Dd, his sister, is taking chemistry in college after having Apologia chemistry in high school. It is by far her hardest class. Her Apologia class was a disappointment compared to ds's class. They had different teachers. Yet, I'm just concerned Apologia might not be enough prep for college chemistry.


Ok, let me adjust my question. I'm not interested in unnecessary rigor or passing the AP exam. Thorough teaching and exposure of concepts is what ds needs. Of course AP level is rigorous, but is there any one way easier to accomplish this course than others?

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Is community college chemistry an option?  Also, WTM Academy offers a chemistry class.  We hadn't taken it, but my younger daughter took their bio class and it was solid.  There's a link to the syllabus you might want to check out.  


ETA: introductory chemistry in a 4 year college is going to be competitive because it is a prerequisite for many competitive health science related degrees: MD, vet med, etc. 

Edited by daijobu
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My daughter is taking the BJU DLO Chemistry and while I can't call it "AP", I think it's definitely AP level and I'm considering finding her a place to take the test in the spring. FWIW she took apologia Chem last year in a coop with a local community college instructor, and a month into BJU she remarked, "OK, we're through everything from last year."

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Fried Clams, thank you for reminding me about BJU!  We've used DLO before with 7th grade Life Science; I loved that class.  This is absolutely an option.  A live, local teacher is what I really need.  I'm going to look into dual enrollment, but that has never been a good answer for us.  After that, a live online class is second best followed by DLO.  The downside to using DLO for us is the lack of a flesh and blood teacher with whom to correspond in real time.  I would also be interested to find out if it is AP level.  Are you having your dd take the test unofficially just to see how she can do? I think this is allowed, but I have no idea.


Using BJU DLO does sound like an "easier" way to present a harder version of chemistry without using a true (and potentially overwhelming) AP level chemistry.  I know BJU allows for students to email and maybe call teachers to ask questions.  I feel sure we would be taking advantage of that.



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Fried Clams, thank you for reminding me about BJU! We've used DLO before with 7th grade Life Science; I loved that class. This is absolutely an option. A live, local teacher is what I really need. I'm going to look into dual enrollment, but that has never been a good answer for us. After that, a live online class is second best followed by DLO. The downside to using DLO for us is the lack of a flesh and blood teacher with whom to correspond in real time. I would also be interested to find out if it is AP level. Are you having your dd take the test unofficially just to see how she can do? I think this is allowed, but I have no idea.


Using BJU DLO does sound like an "easier" way to present a harder version of chemistry without using a true (and potentially overwhelming) AP level chemistry. I know BJU allows for students to email and maybe call teachers to ask questions. I feel sure we would be taking advantage of that.

I think the BJU dlo is great - if - your kid picks stiff up fast and is self directed. The class is HARD and if DH weren't a genius and hasn't remembered all his college Chem we'd have to have sought out local help (we live in a college town). Valance structures...quantum numbers...in good depth...yikes!!!

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Spectrum Chemistry is a solid pre-AP program that Landry uses (albeit with different labs) for its online class. However, I think Landry is going to switch over to its own science books next year, so I can't say what it will be like in the future.


Dd is enjoying it this year and it appears to be covering a lot of material (but not to AP level).

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Thanks, ladies. AP chemistry just seems like a huge step. I would not have the expectation for him to take the test unless he chose to try it. My primary goal is exposure to concepts so that college chemistry isn't such a shock.


Dd, his sister, is taking chemistry in college after having Apologia chemistry in high school. It is by far her hardest class. Her Apologia class was a disappointment compared to ds's class. They had different teachers. Yet, I'm just concerned Apologia might not be enough prep for college chemistry.


Ok, let me adjust my question. I'm not interested in unnecessary rigor or passing the AP exam. Thorough teaching and exposure of concepts is what ds needs. Of course AP level is rigorous, but is there any one way easier to accomplish this course than others?

Do an AP level/ College level course without taking the CB exam (you could use some AP study guides to create your final).  It sounds like your student is ready to step it up a notch.

I believe Thinkwell has something you could use.

You could call it Honors Chem on your transcript.




Edited by MarkT
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Thanks, ladies. AP chemistry just seems like a huge step. I would not have the expectation for him to take the test unless he chose to try it. My primary goal is exposure to concepts so that college chemistry isn't such a shock.


Dd, his sister, is taking chemistry in college after having Apologia chemistry in high school. It is by far her hardest class. Her Apologia class was a disappointment compared to ds's class. They had different teachers. Yet, I'm just concerned Apologia might not be enough prep for college chemistry.


Ok, let me adjust my question. I'm not interested in unnecessary rigor or passing the AP exam. Thorough teaching and exposure of concepts is what ds needs. Of course AP level is rigorous, but is there any one way easier to accomplish this course than others?

From my experience, most schools only have two chemistry classes: normal and AP (though there might be an honors that is just normal with slightly higher expectations). 


No one has to take an AP test just because they take the class. 


I would be wary of a young earth science class for a potential geology major. If you want a Christian POV, then Novare might be a good choice. 



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