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Ring Worm ??


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DGD had ringworm three months ago. It went untreated for a while before we were able to get her to a doctor. DGD was treated with topicals and the rash went away. She had a large (quarter size) spot on her head and lost all of her hair in that area. For the past couple of weeks she has complained of that spot itching. We've looked at it and figured the itching was caused by the new hair growth. Yesterday, she said that spot hurt and was in tears when we touched it. She has a huge lump the size and shape of the ring worm area. This lump was not there a few days ago.


My DD and I Googled ringworm and it seems cysts are a rare symptom. Have any of you heard of or experienced something similar?


DGD will be seen by the pediatrician today but DD is beside herself with worry.



(I am still upset with DGD's father's family for not treating the ringworm when it first developed. I wonder if early treatment would have prevented some of the discomfort and now, possibly, new symptoms.)

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I'm not familiar with getting a cyst after ringworm, and I saw a LOT of ring worm working in a daycare. Ringworm on the scalp is much harder to get rid of, and typically you need a prescription for an oral medication from the doctor. Topical cream can't penetrate the thicker skin on the scalp, so likely it never truly went away. The hair in that spot almost always falls out though, so that's normal. Glad you have a doctors appointment!

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Aw, poor thing!  That sounds painful.


We caught ringworm from a newly adopted kitten a few years ago, but none of us had it on the scalp.  I can imagine that would be more difficult to treat than other areas, and would probably require oral medication.  


Our vet and her staff have had tons of experience with ringworm, and they warned us that it's hard to get rid of it completely.  They gave us two tips that were very helpful.  One was to continue with the medication for several days after the rash disappears, just to make sure it is gone.  The other was to launder all clothing, bedding, and towels in hot water after one use, and to clean all surfaces (counters, floors, etc.) with a swiffer followed by bleach and water.  You want to make sure those spores don't have a chance to spread!


Good luck and I hope she feels better soon! 

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They're back from the doctor and...the doctor has no idea what it is. She says the ringworm is dead/gone and the hair growth looks good.

She prescribed an antibiotic and gave her a referral to the local dermatologist.


We're no better off than we were this morning. Well, that's not quite true. She can stay in school now that the pediatrician says there is no active ringworm.

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I don't know about the cysts, but bleach is what we've always used (former preschool teacher here) for treating ringworm overnight, rather than weeks of cream treatment :)

We did the bleach treatment. It was horrific listening to her cry about the burning sensation. She had it on her face, neck, chest, arms... it was awful. Her father's family didn't treat it while they were on vacation and it had 10 days to grow and spread before we were able to do anything about it. We are quite thrilled that the bleach didn't cause any scarring.

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If there is hair loss and now a cyst like bump, I would seek treatment ASAP. The hair loss can be permanent and you do not want a chance of an infection spreading anywhere on the head/neck. 


ETA: sorry, just reread your post, looks like she was seen yesterday. Hope she's doing better today!

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