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Need a recipe

Night Elf

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I want to make homemade macaroni and cheese for Thanksgiving. Last year we tried a recipe with egg in it and it was a disaster! We didn't temper it right or whatever it was. So I want to avoid eggs this time. I'd like a recipe that has more than one kind of cheese too. Finally, it needs to be easy enough for a total novice to prepare. I'm not a great cook and fancy things are just over my head. Thank you!

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I make mine with butter, evaporated milk and whatever cheese I have on hand (Velveeta usually).  I would imagine adding in any kind of cheese that you want would work (and would taste better than my version)! My kids love it and there are never leftovers. I don't measure the evaporated milk, just keep adding until you like the consistency. This needs to be made right before you are ready to eat though. 

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This is the recipe I use. I replace the margarine with butter and use whole milk. It really needs sharp or even extra sharp cheddar but I use only about half what the recipe calls for. Instead of melting all the cheddar into the cream sauce I mix in only about 4 ounces and then sprinkle the rest on top of the casserole before baking. I don't add the breadcrumb topping.


You could change up the type of cheese added into the cream sauce--maybe a couple ounces of havarti or gruyere. I haven't tried this but now you've got me thinking for next time.

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This is absolutely amazing macaroni and cheese. Everyone who has ever had it asks for the recipe. It's really delicious and quite easy. I usually double, triple or quadruple it. It freezes really well too.




ETA: it calls for just mild cheddar but I do half sharp and half mild.

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Fanny Farmer's recipe always works. I add a bit of Dijon (1 tsp) and sprinkle of cayenne to the cream sauce, and I use milk instead of cream. It calls for 2 cups of sharp cheddar, but you can use any cheese you like to make the 2 cups. We like Dubliner and cheddar. The breadcrumbs are optional. I usually omit because my DS hates crunchies in his mac and cheese. Subbing crushed Cheez-It's is really good if you do like crunchies. :)



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