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Yogis - longer sessions for health improvement - how often?


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How often do people seeking health improvement from Yoga practice do long sessions? Logistically, I can go to classes 1 evening a week at this time - they are typically 1.5 hours long. 

I also do a short sequence of poses at home every alternate day for 10 minutes. I have regained a lot of my lost flexibility (caused due to health issues) in the past few months after starting yoga classes.


I would like to achieve weight loss (10 pounds is my goal) and better mental focus. How often does one have to do long yoga sessions to see improvement in health? Going more times a week to classes might mean that my DH has to schedule his work hours to work from home to be available for child care which he is willing to do. TIA.

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I love yoga but imo it's pretty much useless for weight loss. 

This is true of any exercise honestly. Weight loss happens in the kitchen because it's really easy to eat an extra 250 calories and really hard to burn an extra 250 calories. Unless you're going to take up hours of fitness every day, you have to cut calories. 

Power yoga will help tone.  I think daily yoga practice is a good idea - for flexibility, range of motion and it's even better if you add a meditation session. 

Those all provide very real & tangible health benefits but they're not going to help with weight loss....

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I don't know that yoga is the best for weight loss. For mental focus ideally some time practicing every day, even if it is 5 min, meditation especially. For the physical benefits the more the better but i'd just ork to building up as you have time and energy. I generally do 3 hr long classes a week along with work at home(which varies). But it is not my only thing- i also hike, bike and do tumbling stuff at home(probably 10+hrs a week). I'm not loosing weight though, not trying terribly hard ( when I feel good I love being active even if that means I'm not losing weight). My main goal is putting on muscle, increasing balance, flexibility etc. For weight loss I find lower intensity stuff better because it doesn't increase my appetite as much. 

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adding details to my OP: I am a very healthy eater. I also have some lingering after-effects of my past bad health and I can only walk a lot for exercise at this time because of that. I walk at moderate speed for 1 hour a day. I am hoping to improve my muscle mass through yoga because it is one of the forms of exercise that I can comfortably do. I am trying to burn off the 10 pounds of weight that I gained during my past illness by improving my muscle mass and continue walking. Will more yoga help in that?

Thanks for your suggestions.

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adding details to my OP: I am a very healthy eater. I also have some lingering after-effects of my past bad health and I can only walk a lot for exercise at this time because of that. I walk at moderate speed for 1 hour a day. I am hoping to improve my muscle mass through yoga because it is one of the forms of exercise that I can comfortably do. I am trying to burn off the 10 pounds of weight that I gained during my past illness by improving my muscle mass and continue walking. Will more yoga help in that?

Thanks for your suggestions.

i think yoga is great for building muscle, obviously not all yoga but it can be. For the weight i'd look at cutting back on how much you eat a bit, if you already eat well that is the only factor to change there.


I can understand your position as I cannot tolerate high intensity stuff, I get overheated easily and end up crashing if i go too hard. 


i think yoga & walking is a great combo for where you are at. If that is what works for you keep at it and if you can't do more anyway no sense in stressing about it not being "right". If you can work on varying where you walk. Walking itself can build some good muscle mass- especially when you hit some nice hills over varied terrain. Nice workout for your ankles and all those little (and big) muscles in your legs. On yoga and weight loss I think as far as pure calorie burn Power Yoga wins but one should watch for good form as it is not without injuries. Personally I'm not a fan of power yoga(ashtanga and all its forms), I'd rather go slower and hold longer. My primary teacher is a pro at making us sweat and working our muscles and still keep a reasonable pace. 

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Can you include more hills in your walking? That will burn more calories. I agree yoga isn't going to help with weight loss, although it will tone your muscles and make you look better/fitter/skinnier. I like twice a week classes, and preferably a least 10 min a day on my own. More yoga will absolutely improve your mental status.

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