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The Teachers Lounge 11-2-2016


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Good morning, everyone!


I'll be in and out throughout the day but mostly out. It's a busy day between writing, schooling, attending

a job networking event with hubby, etc.


What's on your schedule today? Here: see above.


How did you sleep last night? Here: it seems MY room is the most interrupted room in the house.

tried to go to sleep earlier than usual but I think each kids and my husband knocked, walked in to ask me something,

or just plain made a lot of noise during the first hour or so I was trying to go to sleep! My husband's racket (noise) was 

the last straw and I finally moved to the couch in the living room, where I still had trouble going to sleep because of the dog.

I'm pretty sure something made me extremely sensitive to every noise last night. Just glad it's over!


Anyone else participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writers Month) this year? Here: yes, and I need to get my wordcount going!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Are you awake now, Jean? B-)


We are back from the job networking meeting. There was also a weekly farmers market going on nearby which we walked through

afterwards. It was nice to be outside enjoying our (finally) beautiful weather! Plus, one of the vendors is a favorite acquaintance I haven't

seen in a couple of years! So good to see him! Also, he thinks he might have a lead for my husband in the job market!


We just keep plugging along . . .

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Schedule today has been haphazard at best.  We took down decorations, I confirmed an appt for tomorrow (and remembered to write it down!), took dh to the airport so he could go home, attempted school for the first time this week, and now am cleaning house.  Ish.  Still have library books that *must* go back today to schlep over.

Sleep was not my friend last night, nor anyone else's.  The 6yo is so tired he's a mess.

I thought about doing NaNoWriMo, but maybe next year.

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I am awake now.  I went back to sleep after I posted here and slept for another hour and a half. 


Schedule is pretty much the same as everyday:  School dd.  Drive ds.  Try to fit in a few things around all of that.


Sleep - I'm having the old hot flash problem at night. 


I have no room for NaNoWriMo in my schedule. 

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I'm not a writer so no NaNoWriMo for me, thanks. 


We've not done well with school this week. It's an off week for me more than anyone else, so I'm not blaming anyone or anything for it. It's Wednesday and for each kid we've done math twice, language arts twice, science and history each done once, and a few other assorted items and read-alouds, so it's not super bad. 


I need to get on the ball with the choral costumes for my kiddos children's choir Christmas concert. Costume check is Monday and I don't have black dress pants or white dress shirt that fits DS and my DD's black dress needs hemmed (that's last minute on purpose because she's growing). 


My house. Ugh my house. I need to clean it ALL. 

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