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Winters promise


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I've used one I'd their sets, Adventures in the Sea and Sky. DS *adored* that curriculum more than any before and likely since. After he was settled in it I was wishing I'd used their world geography set instead of cobbling my own together for younger siblings. WP is much more creative and fun than I am. :)


I only bought the exclusives from WP and bought the non-WP published books on Amazon and HPB. We had a positive experience with the company. I'd absolutely use one again should it match our needs again.

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We love it. Received everything in a week. No issues with customer service (and I was nervous!)  I will also say you won't find better paper quality or creative elements in any other curriculum. I've bought dozens and I can say that for sure. EEK!

Edited by ebrindam
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We've used many of their themes over the years. :) Animals is a fun theme, but it would depend on the age you're working with & location. For us, while we enjoyed it, we don't have access to a zoo or all the climates. So in that essence it was hard for my boy to really get into some aspects.


We've only ever ordered WP Exclusives from WP. Living outside of the USA it's just too expensive. I can order from Book Depository & get free shipping & make money using my own affiliate link. The first year I used WP I did order hard copies of the guide & things, but after that I ordered the digital copies because it saved me considerably on shipping.


A few things to keep in mind about WP..


They have lifted their "ban" on selling their material secondhand. So you may be able to find things a little cheaper that way. There is a FB group called Winter Promise Curriculum Users where people sell & swap their guides around.. sometimes as complete sets, sometimes not.


You can save {internationally} by purchasing their digital guides, but then you lose out on being able to sell them afterwards. That's not a huge issue because many people are unaware that they lifted their "ban" & thus aren't keen to purchase WP secondhand.. 


If you are working with more then 1 child I would buy the NBing pages in digital format because you can print out as many copies as you need vs having to purchase so many. Also, if you buy digital you'll get them in colour, where as the hard ones are often in black & white. I have no idea why they didn't/can't print them in colour considering the prices, but that's how it is.

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We're using American Story 2 this year, and it's been very difficult. They've since removed the program from the website to revamp it after a few lengthy conversations with me about all of the things that didn't make sense, were disjointed etc. Their customer service has been pretty good-they made the effort to please me I can say, but I still paid a whole lot of $ for one big mess of a curriculum. I don't know-the one thing I didn't do was fine a few people who used the specific program I was considering. I would recommend you doing that. I think their programs must really vary because some people just rave about a few of them, but then others complain to high heaven about others. There must be some major differences. And that was what I was told on the phone as well.

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There must be some major differences. And that was what I was told on the phone as well.


This is very true, & I think it's because they've taken a lot of time to update & perfect some of their themes while only updating the covers of others. Did they not offer you any form of a refund on things or a discount for a future theme?


Admittedly the curriculum was first written for their own family & some of the non-updated themes make sense in that light.. but when you charge for a curriculum, especially a large sum, its pretty important it lives up to those expectations.

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This is very true, & I think it's because they've taken a lot of time to update & perfect some of their themes while only updating the covers of others. Did they not offer you any form of a refund on things or a discount for a future theme?


Admittedly the curriculum was first written for their own family & some of the non-updated themes make sense in that light.. but when you charge for a curriculum, especially a large sum, its pretty important it lives up to those expectations.

They did, but it was small compared to what I've spent on the whole shebang.

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  • 9 months later...

My dd got about halfway through and fizzled. Not really a science lover, even though she is a horse lover. We skimmed the second half, choosing particular assignments to do and moved on to reading Hakim's history of science books. Not bad curriculum at all, just not a great fit for my literature loving kid.

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