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What do you put in Common App additional Info section?


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DD was homeschooled through 10th grade and the has been in a dual enrollment program the last two years. She, a the suggestion of an admissions counselor, included a brief description about why she was homeschooled and what advantages it gave her. In addition, she add information regarding the motivations for her to pursue the dual enrollment program and what she has gotten out of it. She also clarified that her high school transcript includes her homeschool transcript from 9th and 10th grade.

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My daughter used hers to clear up any potential misunderstandings about her educational path, due to her enrollment in a charter school for homeschoolers, that offers a high school diploma from the local district. She explained a bit about how her education worked (truly homeschooling, not building based) and what homeschooling looked like in our family.

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Dd didn't put anything in that section. All of her information fit in the regular sections (activities, honors, etc) She used the essays to talk about the things that are most important to her.


She (and I) worked very hard to craft a narrative about herself so that she could be identified as the girl who studies X and Y, participates in A and B that are related to X and Y, wants to continue with X and Y in college, is interested in pursuing C and D that are related to X/Y/A/B in college, and intends to follow a career path E that is related to everything else.


This is not an artificial narrative. This is who dd is, just emphasized. (She has an inteview situation this coming week and will use the same points. As she is nervous about speaking with strangers and is also too modest, remembering the points will help her focus.)

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