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Why do my boys think whispering is the same as not talking?

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Why is it when I tell my boys to "stop talking" they almost always just change to a whisper? As if whispering isn't talking?


And why when I tell them to "stop whispering" they act as if they've never thought about the fact that whispering is, in fact, the same thing as talking? Even though we've had the conversation at least 5 times today alone?


They can follow the command of "SILENCE!", so for that I should be grateful, even if it's only for a few short minutes.

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Maybe it's the same genetic tendency that makes my husband and his friend think that they can talk about someone who is in the same room, but not directly in their conversation, and the person won't hear them.




Which Keurig did you get? Are you happy with it? My birthday's coming up and I'm considering one.

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Why is it when I tell my boys to "stop talking" they almost always just change to a whisper? As if whispering isn't talking?


And why when I tell them to "stop whispering" they act as if they've never thought about the fact that whispering is, in fact, the same thing as talking? Even though we've had the conversation at least 5 times today alone?


They can follow the command of "SILENCE!", so for that I should be grateful, even if it's only for a few short minutes.


It must be related to the way my children think talking downstairs is being obedient to a command for silence given upstairs, even though they've been told 2,647 times it's not. :D

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Oh, it's probably the same genetic tendency that almost gave me heart failure a few weeks ago...


We were on our way out the door (a tad rushed) when I told ds to put on clean jeans before we left. I pointed out the grass stains on the knees. I also told him to check back with me, but I forgot to follow through. Mea culpa.


We get to the pediatrician's office and I look at my son who is now donning clean jeans with honkin' big ragged holes in both knees.


"But they're clean!" he said. As if I should be so happy they didn't have grass stains on them. :lol:

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Oh, it's probably the same genetic tendency that almost gave me heart failure a few weeks ago...


We were on our way out the door (a tad rushed) when I told ds to put on clean jeans before we left. I pointed out the grass stains on the knees. I also told him to check back with me, but I forgot to follow through. Mea culpa.


We get to the pediatrician's office and I look at my son who is now donning clean jeans with honkin' big ragged holes in both knees.


"But they're clean!" he said. As if I should be so hap

py they didn't have grass stains on them. :lol:


This is soooo my son. He follows up the clean with holes jeans with his favorite duct taped up skater shoes b/c at least you can't SEE the holes mom!!!!


oy vey.... :confused:

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My hubby's year 7, 11 and 12 Auslan classes think they can whisper or "talk quietly" in class, even when he's told them not to, because he's deaf. They still haven't realised that he's not completely deaf, and can hear noise, if not actual words; and even if they whisper, they are giving it away with their body language. Perhaps a ventriloquist would get away with it, but for everyone else, their lips move! He's deaf, not blind!!

It's pretty funny. They could sign behind his back and he won't know, or care.



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