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The Teachers Lounge 9-20-2016


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Good morning! The Lounge is now OPEN.


Did you sleep well? Here: I did but not long enough. Hard to find the right balance between enough sleep and getting

everything done that needs to be done! Thankfully, I've discovered that when I take my custom vitamins with my

Melatonin/valerian root blend, I actually am well rested despite few hours of sleep. Doesn't mean I won't take a nap

mid-afternoon though!  :sleep:


What's on the schedule today? Here: as I was working on lesson plans last night, I realized we have a day OFF from school

tomorrow. PLANNED because the third Wednesday of every month is busy for me with author/writer meetings. So today we 

SHOULD get some work done - especially since our schedule has been so sporadic. We'll see!


Come on in, have a double chocolate muffin (gluten free and yummy), pour yourself a cuppa, and relax for a bit.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I was on Twitter this morning and that's all the "News" channels seemed to talk about: Angelina and Brad's divorce.

Sorry, but I have other things to focus on and that I think are newsworthy. A divorce is not news - they happen every day.

To actually be news,it would have to be "So and so couple filed for divorce but then changed their minds and decided

to really commit to making it work." I have very little tolerance for the majority of divorces that happen.  **sigh** (Steps off

soapbox and goes to pay a bill or two. . . )


Might have to go find the chocolate now too!


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We have a guest so are taking the day off school, the kids are playing outside and I am lying here with the baby playing.


Lying because I am seriously suffering some third trimester side effects and being upright is fairly painful.  I have to drive the kids around a bit later which I am not looking forward to.  Though supper is now cooking, beef stew, so that is done.


I think I have seen brad and Angelina supposedly split up a hundred times on the tabloids.  It always seemed like an odd relationship to me though.  It seems like her health is poor.



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It's overcast here (unusual for the desert) so that makes focusing a bit challenging. AND our schedule has been

disrupted once again today. At least it's a pleasant thing, we're able to go visit with friends we haven't seen in a few weeks.

We're used to weekly visits so all of us (including them) have been in a bit of withdrawal.  However, this also means, once again,

putting off the start of Mapping Your World with Art. I REALLY want to get that started! 


I may need more caffeine to get through this day, though!

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It's a grey day here too which always seems to sap my motivation level. I yet again wrote up the magic schedule and master list that is going to let me get everything done. I don't know why as I haven't even had a period of strictly following it since the last one at the beginning of term. And there's only one more week till holidays and it will be changing next term. Maybe writing it down gives me an illusion of having it all under control.


Today is kinder gym and library day, I have some shopping jobs to do then we will be doing a focussed math and writing session this afternoon.


Mapping the world through art sounds interesting. My kids learnt quite a lot of geography through the sonlight animals of the world core b - is it similar but with art?

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