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s/o 9/11--what other days are seared in your memory?


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When President Kennedy was assassinated: I was in the seventh grade in Corpus Christi, Texas. We were doing school pictures.


The attempt on President Reagan's life: I was just home with the littles.


The Challenger Explosion: I was out with my daughters selling Camp Fire candy.


When the Prince of Wales married Lady Diana. I woke up older dd from a sound sleep so we could watch it together.


The day the Princess was killed, and especially her funeral. I am still surprised by how much I grieved over that.


The beginning of the Gulf War. I was at a friend's house working on a homeschool newsletter.

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The day I turned 10 years old as we traveled across OK on our way from WA to AR. I can still feel that hot OK wind on my face.


The day my high school boyfriend was murdered.


The day my son was born.


The day I met my Dh.


Other days I remember without knowing the exact day



The day of the OJ Simpson verdict. I was at work...in the conference room watching an old black and white Tv.......


The day of the OKC bombing. At work.....a customer told us over the phone.


The Challenger explosion. On my way to work..as a waitress....


Princess Di's death. On a weekend vacation with xh.......

Edited by Scarlett
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Aside from 9/11 I think the thing that stick most in my mind is the Berlin Wall coming down.  I can tell you exactly where I was was when I heard the news.  I remember Challenger and Princess Di and some of the other things mentioned on this list but none of them really struck in my memory like the Berlin Wall.  I've never cared for news and usually went out of my way to avoid it as a kid and teenager but yet that one made a lasting impression.

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