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Help determining reading instruction needs!

Shred Betty

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DD7 reads well above "grade level" and with expression and speed. I have not been homeschooling her since the beginning - hence my totally confusion! I hope the hive can help me clarify where DD7 is, what she needs, and where I should start with reading instruction.


Last week I thought I should buy a reading skill program like All about Reading lvl 3 and do reading instruction, but she tested out easily of all of the placement test reading words for their 3rd of 4 levels. I'll be checking level 4 placement test words with her tomorrow.... Interestingly, she doesn't seem to be clear on the concept of what a syllable is, and no idea what a closed and open syllable is.. (Ugh! See why I'm scratching my head here?)


When she comes across the odd word she doesn't read correctly I sometimes hardly hear the mistake. Today reading Cs Lewis Narnia book 1 "the Magicians' Nephew" she missed "doubt" for example but I've heard her get that one right before.


I don't know the phonics rules to teach her the "why" behind the sound rules as I listen to her read out loud. Sometimes I just let her read past wrong words and sometimes try to let her know what the word is.


so I know she has internalized rules to the point where she almost got the word "extraordinarily" right today and without struggling to pronounce it. (Said "extraordinary".)


Please advise:

Where do I start with reading instruction with her? (Ok obviously I know I should teach her what the word "syllable" means! Lol!) I've heard of word attack skills, maybe just hit those?


So far I've been focusing on providing practice, quantity and quality. We do a balance of read aloud and independent reading. Much of it may be below or at level but none is really at "instruction level" at this point. I know there are things like "fluency" to pay attention to but have no idea whether I should be looking at reading instruction programs and look into learning and instructing on the phonics rules and the "why" or just let all that be under the bridge and assume it's internalized?


Thanks in advance! Maybe I could find a way to attach a sound file for hive analysis :) haha.


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I agree that the best reading instruction for now is the practice you're already giving her. Spelling can come later if she needs it.


And this likely goes without saying, but was unclear to me...her reading is below or at grade level (which is great for building fluency!), but when you read aloud for her, you are choosing books that are well above what she could read (and comprehend) herself, right?


I wouldn't sweat open and closed syllables, but in the interest of full disclosure I would have to Google to recall exactly what those are. At that reading level, your daughter must have an instinctive understanding of how syllables work!

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She probably knows what open and closed syllables are but doesn't know the label for the concept. I would just have her read and use a spelling program that covers phonics rules. Some options are all about spelling, reading lessons through literature, Spalding, spell to write and read, logic of English essentials...there are surely others I missed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree that the best reading instruction for now is the practice you're already giving her. Spelling can come later if she needs it.


And this likely goes without saying, but was unclear to me...her reading is below or at grade level (which is great for building fluency!), but when you read aloud for her, you are choosing books that are well above what she could read (and comprehend) herself, right?


I wouldn't sweat open and closed syllables, but in the interest of full disclosure I would have to Google to recall exactly what those are. At that reading level, your daughter must have an instinctive understanding of how syllables work!

Please, please forgive the late reply. I put too many irons in the fire - it's my first year homeschooling and things are going AWESOME but I'm scrambling trying to get a firm handle on how to meet her best where she is. We have many subjects nailed down and have a rhythm going. But reading..I'm still getting s handle on where she is. Lol...


I'm a great reader, but the answer (I am pretty sure) is still no, I am not often reading aloud things that are above her ability to read and understand on her own. Maybe once or twice a week if I'm lucky I'm fitting in time to pull out her Usborne encyclopedias of history and science - both of which she won't look at on her own so it is beyond her comprehension still. She doesn't have much patience for even listening to it - not sure why that is.


I found a book we both love to death. The vocab should be way above her current ability to understand, but I did lots of checking in with her as I read and she seemed to be comprehending way more than I would have expected. Does she fully understand all the nuances of every thing? No way. As I read, does she piece together things in context and get the point, even with unfamiliar words? Absolutely. She did not want to try reading it much herself.


She can read the literature selections from her WWE1 text and her SOTW lvl 1 history textbook herself, though i have to supply pronunciation for specific names or cultures like "Babylon, Hammurabi, Assyrians." I am reading her schoolwork to her most of the time, not usually asking or requiring her to do it independently. I'm spending a lot of time reading to her but NO much of it is not above her ability to read /comprehend on her own because at this point, even the history and more difficult text is within her grasp.

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All free to print, phonics to the 12th grade level, spelling and syllable division rules; how to explain syllables and syllable division in the guide.



Exactly what I needed: I'll be looking at this this week with her, looks like it will help me gauge where she is... Even just a glance at this page makes me feel better! Lol.
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