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The Teachers Lounge 9-7-2016


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At least, it is for us. Officially. A few bumps to the start of the day but more or less running smoothly,

which, of course, means today will be the ONLY day this week that happens! LOL!


While I do have a daily schedule, with times written out, I'm viewing it more like the Pirates Code:

"It's more like .... guidelines." There is just no way we can actually always stick to the exact times. 

But it's good to have a reference point!


How is your day going to far?

What was for breakfast? Here: we had turkey kielbasa and cantaloupe. I have no idea what we'll have for lunch!


Anything exciting on the schedule today? Here: youngest will be going to youth group tonight. Oldest is too overwhelmed by the youth group crowd.

In some ways that might be a good thing since she has a heavy study load this year.


Who's got the coffee going? ME!


Talk to me! :bigear:


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Hi ya, Scrap!


Breakfast for me was eggs and a gf blueberry waffle. 


Day is going ok.  I"m exhausted from yesterday but today is a slightly less hectic day.  Which means that I should use it to catch up on stuff but we'll see how that works out.  Dh is apparently staying home from work.  I did peek in there long enough to determine that he is indeed alive and not needing medical assistance.  (This is a real thing - he's diabetic and sometimes his sugars get dangerously low.)


Exciting schedule - not really.  Day two of ASD orientation at the college.  I will go again for the last hour that is directed to parents.  Its a bit hokey but it is good to know what is going on, I think.  Ds wrote his first college paper and handed it in last night.  It was hard to see it go without looking over it!  (It was his choice). 



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Today is busy here!  Everyone seems to be little whirlwinds, so I find myself cleaning a LOT.  Our breakfast was a hodgepodge - protein bar for me, greek yogurt w/ local honey for the 6yo, and eggs & sausage for the teen who cooked for himself.


Most exciting thing today?  6yo had his first violin lesson! We had him fitted yesterday with a 1/2 size and he went back today for his first half hour lesson.  The instructor told me not to push him, when he wants to quit, let him.  I could tell the instructor needed more than a half hour with the kid - he "practiced" for 3 hours yesterday and I only pried it out of his hands today by making him eat lunch.  I don't care if he plays or not, only that he's satisfied by the work.  If not, fine, new activity.  I'm hoping it calms down just a little, though - there's only so many times I can listen to long and short notes!

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I heard a great quote the other day. "Life is more manageable when viewed as a scavenger hunt rather than a surprise party."

It was attributed to Jimmy Buffet. Anyway, it makes sense. Rather than be surprised by what happens in life, look for the blessings

and/or the lesson in what happens. You just never know what the day will bring!


At this point, I'm trying to determine what will be for lunch! I live too close to grocery and convenience stores and fast food restaurants! - makes it too easy just

to go out and grab something!

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And...we're done for the day! Probably would have been done an hour earlier except my trip to the grocery store

took 30 minutes longer than expected!


The only true hiccup today was when I went to have dd do the scavenger hunt for her chemistry supply list, 

I then couldn't FIND the chemistry supply list. *sigh* Not worth stressing over. The kids completed what assignments

they could today so I gave them their tickets.


We've implemented a new reward program this year. We've had the idea of a ticket exchange for a couple of years

(earn one for each assignment, exchange so many for a prize) but have not implemented it. So THIS year, 

I talked it over with the kids, asking how they wanted it to work. This is what they came up with:


1 ticket per completed daily assignment.

2 tickets if it's completed on time! (meaning same day as originally planned)

10 tickets for ONE thing from the prize box


they can save up to 20 tickets for a trip to the store to pick something out (up to $15). 

And this last option can only be used ONCE per semester. 


Writing this out made me realize I cheated my kids out of tickets today! Oops! I only gave them one

ticket per completed assignment instead of two. Let me go correct that before I forget!


Whew! Done!


Okay, now, in about a half an hour, I'm taking them out for a celebratory donut! B-)

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