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Not reading well...should I switch phonics programs??


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My dd6 is not reading well. She went to kindergarten last year and did not learn any kind of phonics. For phonics I am using Abeka (we are on lesson 25) and wondering if I should switch or just stick with it. I have Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons and Phonics Pathways should be arriving in the mail any day. I can't decide if I should stick with it or switch to one of those. Any suggestions?

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I really don't think switching phonics programs will make much of a difference. All the programs you mentioned are equally good. I would suggest that you just gently but consistently keep at it. Make sure that your dd is developing her phonemic awarenss http://reading.uoregon.edu/pa/


Read aloud to her, play word and spelling games and keep a relaxed attitude during her phonics lessons.


HTH, Stacy

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I actually like using Abeka and Phonics Pathways... I also add Reading Pathways to the mix. We dont use then all everyday, but most days we do. Phonics and Reading Pathways we just read a page or two in each book together. It's actually easy and quick to get all these done.

My son is also using Headsprout.com and he's on lesson 17 and I can already see a difference in his reading.

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Just be persistent and patient. This is more important really than which program you end up using. Each of my three children developed reading fluency in spurts more than with steady progress. Each had his/her spurts at different levels, too. Hang in there! :o

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Is she ready for reading?


I ask because my youngest wasn't, even at the beginning of first grade. Dare I tell you all that we did NO phonics or reading teaching until February of that year? Fwiw, I had intended to start after Christmas, but did not manage to get things ready for that (part of my overloaded, I-can't-do-it-all life). By the end of his first grade year, however, he was reading easy readers. Now he's in fourth grade and totally on par.


We use the 4th edition of Writnig Road to Reading; it's what I have from the older dc and everyone's done fine with it. But if you're happy with the ABeka you have, then stick with it. Just keep it at your dd's pace.


I didn't do any special "phonemic awareness" before Feb. I spent hours online researching reading readiness and found (I don't remember where) that mazes and dot-to-dots help build skills helpful for reading, so for the first half of first grade, ds did 2 pages of mazes or of dot-to-dots.


Then my oldest dd started WRTR with him in the morning, for just 15 minutes. I told her that if he finished early what I had planned for that day, he was done. If the time was up, he was done. If was getting truly frustrated or you could see the "eyes glazing over" look, he was done. She's been a GREAT teacher for him; it's been a great blessing!


This is my 2 cents, fwiw. HTH somebody. :)

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Abeka should work for you. That is what we are using. Just make sure that you get the readers that go along with it. These readers are great because they reinforce the phonics. It is a very thorough program but it goes kind of fast. You might want to go at your own pace if your dd is new to phonics.



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ABeka has decent learn-to-read materials. Of course, in a classroom, the teacher is using every.single.thing. If you are only using portions of ABeka's phonics instruction, your dd might not pick up on reading as quickly as she might otherwise. It doesn't necessarily mean that you should switch, though.


It's kind of early to think about switching, but if you decide to, Phonics Pathways is more comprehensive than 100 EZ Lessons; that would be my choice.

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