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Gardeners: saving seeds and preserving herbs


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I've got two separate questions, both things I am trying out for the first time this year.


If you save seeds from your own plants, do you have any tips? How do you package and label them? Which plants work best for saving seeds from? Do you save seeds from plants that take two years to produce them (thinking things like carrots and onions)? Which plants don't work well to save seeds (I figure sweet corn since the best varieties are usually hybrids and won't breed true).


And my second question: what are you favorite methods of preserving and storing herbs? And do you keep some herbs in pots indoors in the winter?



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I've got two separate questions, both things I am trying out for the first time this year.


If you save seeds from your own plants, do you have any tips? How do you package and label them? Which plants work best for saving seeds from?



Well, with some plants it's pretty easy. I grow zinnias for cutting. And at the end of last summer I was cleaning my zinna bed and cut the dried up heads off of a bunch of plants and put them in envelopes and forgot about them. I found them at the end of June this year, so I just planted the heads (didn't even separate the individual seeds, I was in a hurry) in one of my raised beds, with no real rhyme or reason and they sprouted and now I have a whole mess of zinnias for cutting. I know some plants may be more picky, but with zinnias, it's pretty easy!


And this year I harvested 7 pumpkins from vines that sprouted from seeds in our compost bin. Dh spread the compost last spring and tilled it in and all the sudden pumpkin vines grew.

Edited by KrissiK
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