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OPGTR, 100 EZ Lessons, or Phonics Pathways?


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I am trying to find a good reading primer to use with my dd(5) who is already almost through the ETC primers and knows all her letter sounds. I already own 100 EZ Lessons and The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading. But I was looking into Phonics Pathways and intrigued by all its great reviews. Which of these programs do you like and why?



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I've used (and am still using) both OPG and PP. My oldest is almost done with OPG, a very complete reading program that is very step by step and all set out for you to use. My dd4 prefers the format of PP (and the cute caterpillar); she likes to use a piece of paper to follow along under the words that she is reading and has completed 3 letter short vowel words. I like both programs for different reasons. OPG is wonderful and you can't miss anything by using this program, very easy to implement at any age and thorough. PP is a bit "cuter" but just as thorough, it's just not as scripted. There are suggested games with both programs. We also use BOB books as our beginning readers. HTH

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I think PP & OPGTR both get the job done (I've heard mixed reviews about 100EZ).


I use PP and am happy with it. I used OPGTR for a bit when I was helping a friend out and didn't care for it as much, but it was more of a preference thing on my part.


If you like OPGTR, there is no need to get PP :001_smile:. If you're interested in looking at it, your library might have it.

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I haven't seen OPGTR but have tried 100ez and hated it. We switched to PP and that has worked very well for us. The poster who said it isn't scripted was right-on there however it seems to me that if you (mom or dad) can read, it's easy to figure out quickly and get the lesson going.

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100 EZ Lessons worked here. I picked it up, looked through it, thought "weird!" and put it down. About 5 months later I picked it up again and thought, it's cheap, let's see if dd likes it even if "I" think it's weird. She loved it! That and ETC books were all she needed. If you have it, it's worth doing a few lessons to see what your child likes. YOU may like one or the other, but it might be best to do a few lessons from the two you have with your child and see what pique's their interest. They don't always think the way we do ;)

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We love OPGTR. I like the review built into it. I love that it is one program that goes from knowing your letters to multi-syllable words.

After finishing the book (2 years) my dd7 can read most anything that she tries (SOTW, her bible, chapterbooks). I love that the only other thing you need for it is index cards sometimes. I like that they learn how to read, not look for picture clues and that they can get reading pretty quick.

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