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Tips for introducing new chickens to a backyard flock?

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We have 4 10 month old chickens, and we just picked up 2 chicks this morning to add to our little flock. The woman said they're "about 3 months old" but they look smaller than that to me. Right now we have a them in a separate enclosure and can keep them that way for as long as we need to (alternating which set of chickens gets to come out and have the run of the yard), but eventually I'd like to have them all together. Anyone BTDT and want to share their secrets? One of the little ones got out tonight and ran around for a little bit with the older ones. Mostly they just sort of lunged at her threateningly and then left her alone, but my leghorn got in a few good pecks (no blood or anything!) before I chased her off. The leghorn is a little moody. Also, whenever I do put them together, how much fighting is too much? I know with dogs, some people recommend not jumping in to break up fights immediately because the dogs need to work out the pack order and all that. Is it like that with chickens....or, umm, not? TIA!

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I got so tired of the chick mess that I moved our 4 outside with 13 year old hens when the chicks were only about 6 weeks old. For just a few days, they were in a cage with the hens on the outside, but I think it was less than a week when we let them free. The hens were really bossy and pecky, but not to the point they were in danger. Several months later, that group of new chicks is laying laying eggs for us, but they are still low girls on the totem pole in the hen house. They live together just fine, but they all know their place. I would suggest just testing yours out, and see how they do.

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We have added chicks and young pullets to flocks in the past without incident, but we raise Rhode Island Red bantams and I think they are more gentle than production birds like Leghorns.


So I'm not a lot of help :D




yeah, the leghorn (Super--named by my then 4 year old) has kind of a split personality. Sometimes she's incredibly sweet (she likes to fly up and roost on my shoulder); other times she turns around to peck me when I touch her. And she's gone broody twice already. She is not your stereotypical leghorn, I don't think. She's also at the bottom of the pecking order of our current flock, so I think she's hoping to put these new ones in their place and have somebody to boss around :D.


The new girls (whom my boys have now named Sidekick and Violet) are New Hampshire Reds. The others are a Buff Orpington, a Barred Rock, and a Silver Laced Wyandotte. They're all out in the yard together right now, with supervision. They're all ignoring each other at the moment...if the littles get near Super, she gives them a couple of pecks and chases them off, and then leaves them alone. So so far, so good. I think if things keep going okay, I'll start letting them loose together as long as we're home, so I'll hear any big fights, and keep them separated when we're not around until they get a little bigger.


Thanks for the input everyone!

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