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Dolciani Algebra Question

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I'm struggling with what to choose for PreA and I am hoping that if I can decide on Algebra that may aid in my decision. My oldest is a rising 7th grader and has finished standards 6B. She Has a good understanding of math, but she doesn't love math. I have AoPS, NEM and Dolciani PreA. AoPS is not going to be a good fit for her.


I had planned to use Foerster for algebra, but I've been reading on some of the algebra threads that Dolciani is more rigorous. The word problems in Dolciani PreA are very easy compared to CWP, so I am wondering if they are better in the algebra books than they are in PreA. If I decide to go the Dolciani Algebra route it seems the transition would be smoother to go from Dolciani PreA than from NEM. NEM just looks more exciting and I wouldn't have to supplement word problems.

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I think before you have your child do pre-algebra, you should seek out a placement test. From looking over the samples of Standards, it does not look that much different from the US Edition so I would think your child could go straight to algebra. The beginning of every algebra book includes review so if any tiny concept got missed, your child would be fine.

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My oldest dd went from 6b to foerster algebra. Are people arguing that foerster lacks rigor?


I agree with Janeway about a placement test. Also, it may make no difference which pre-alg you choose in terms of segueing into dolciani, so do whichever you like.

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My oldest dd went from 6b to foerster algebra. Are people arguing that foerster lacks rigor?


I agree with Janeway about a placement test. Also, it may make no difference which pre-alg you choose in terms of segueing into dolciani, so do whichever you like.


I've read conflicting threads - some lump Foerster in with traditional and Dolciani with rigorous, where others say Foerster is just a step down from AoPS.


Regarding placement tests - My daughter is newly 12 and I think she could benefit from an extra year before starting algebra. She understands math well, but she doesn't love it and she tends to be careless. If I were to give her a placement test, where would I find one?

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Well throwing my 2cents in I think Dolciani is boring and dry.  This might be perfect for the "git er done", but it might be lousy for the "I'm feeling lukewarm about math" because I think it will further prove to her math is as boring as she thought. 


That said, I don't have a particular suggestion.  Believe it or not I'm using a combination of AoPS and a book with lots of pre-A practice problems for a math hater.  So far he is really liking AoPS.  I'm a little floored by this at the moment.  I don't have him use it as a self teaching book though.  (He is also 11 BTW.) 



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I've read conflicting threads - some lump Foerster in with traditional and Dolciani with rigorous, where others say Foerster is just a step down from AoPS.


Regarding placement tests - My daughter is newly 12 and I think she could benefit from an extra year before starting algebra. She understands math well, but she doesn't love it and she tends to be careless. If I were to give her a placement test, where would I find one?

Personally, I would pick doing algebra slowly over extra time on arithmetic. I know a private school not far from here that uses WTM methods actually does algebra for two years.


For placement tests, I go to various curriculum providers. Or, see if your state has a state exam for pre algebra. AoP has an exam for their books, but I would take results with a grain of salt. If she can pass their tests, she should definitely go to the next level.


For whatever it is worth, I held my son back based on being careless and fighting the assignments. I thought it meant he needed more review. BUT, once I took the opposite tactic, I pushed him forward quickly, he has done much much better. Maybe this will change, but, he is zooming through and eating up math now. I rarely find mistakes in his work. Maybe this will change tomorrow. But I just corrected his work for today and the only error I found was in the answer key. I have stopped with the repetition and move much more quickly.

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Personally, I would pick doing algebra slowly over extra time on arithmetic. I know a private school not far from here that uses WTM methods actually does algebra for two years.


For placement tests, I go to various curriculum providers. Or, see if your state has a state exam for pre algebra. AoP has an exam for their books, but I would take results with a grain of salt. If she can pass their tests, she should definitely go to the next level.


For whatever it is worth, I held my son back based on being careless and fighting the assignments. I thought it meant he needed more review. BUT, once I took the opposite tactic, I pushed him forward quickly, he has done much much better. Maybe this will change, but, he is zooming through and eating up math now. I rarely find mistakes in his work. Maybe this will change tomorrow. But I just corrected his work for today and the only error I found was in the answer key. I have stopped with the repetition and move much more quickly.



That is a good point. Perhaps reinforcing the same skills over and over is boring her.

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Both dc did Dolciani Prealgebra. I like it a lot. Ds13 did Jacobs algebra, TT algebra 1, and is now 2/3 done with Foerster algebra 1. Taking two years with more than one algebra 1 is good for an average math student. Ds11 finished dolciani PreAlgebra. He will go on to Teaching Textbook algebra 1 with Life of Fred Beginning Algebra followed by the full Foerster algebra 1. So he will also take 2 years for algebra 1.

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My dd did Dolciani Pre-A. She said it was the best math book she's ever used, although she was a bit frustrated by discontinuity from chapter to chapter. She used Foerster for Algebra and was extremely well prepared. She also used her Dolciani book as a reference several times.


FWIW, she also liked Foerster, particularly for the punny names in the word problems.

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Both dc did Dolciani Prealgebra. I like it a lot. Ds13 did Jacobs algebra, TT algebra 1, and is now 2/3 done with Foerster algebra 1. Taking two years with more than one algebra 1 is good for an average math student. Ds11 finished dolciani PreAlgebra. He will go on to Teaching Textbook algebra 1 with Life of Fred Beginning Algebra followed by the full Foerster algebra 1. So he will also take 2 years for algebra 1.



My dd did Dolciani Pre-A. She said it was the best math book she's ever used, although she was a bit frustrated by discontinuity from chapter to chapter. She used Foerster for Algebra and was extremely well prepared. She also used her Dolciani book as a reference several times.


FWIW, she also liked Foerster, particularly for the punny names in the word problems.


What did you guys use before Dolciani PreA?

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I sold my Aops books. But you know what? When I saw them for sale on classifieds, I am tempted to buy and try for a mere second only to remember how not for us it is.


I had dd look at the pre-a book when she was getting ready for pre-a. She read a few chapters and said no way. She felt like it was way too wordy and just wanted it to get to the point. She's mathy, but she doesn't learn the way AoPS presents.

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