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History Through the Ages timeline figures


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We used those and loved them.  They are so beautiful!


We bought them over 10 years ago.  At that time, we had a huge wall and fit the timelines on it.  Then we moved, and put the timelines into notebooks. Not as dramatic, but still useful.

I don't think the CD was available then.


I used removable tape to put the figures down so they wouldn't get ripped if we wanted to remove them.  For example, sometimes I would have a game where I'd show the timeline picture (covering up the name underneath) to my kids and they would identify the person or whatever.


Am I right that with the CD the figures can be printed larger?  Some of them would be so beautiful colored in. 


I recommend it, because it worked well for us. 

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We have the CD and I agree that the figures are truly beautiful.  The only downside for me is that there are so many (1260) it's daunting to go through them all, though they are indexed nicely.  I also love that you can choose to include the text when you print them out.  I don't know what the current price is, but if a very comprehensive, artistic timeline is what you are looking for, I haven't seen anything more lovely.


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We have the cd as well and really like it. It is nice to have the choice of what to print and how you want it printed. You can make it any size which I like since I print them on notecards, sticker sheets for timeline books, card stock for our wall timeline and large sheets for coloring.

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I love them too.  What I did was purchase their timeline cd and printed it off and put it in a binder.  For the figures I printed them off onto 8 1/2x11" label sheets, this way we could just cut them out and stick them on the time line when we needed them.

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I love them myself. They're beautifully done and it's so rewarding for me to have them all displayed on our wall timeline.


That said ... I don't think my kids look at them much after they're on the wall. It's mostly me admiring them. :laugh:

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I love them too.  What I did was purchase their timeline cd and printed it off and put it in a binder.  For the figures I printed them off onto 8 1/2x11" label sheets, this way we could just cut them out and stick them on the time line when we needed them.

Printing them on label sheets is a brilliant idea--thank you! Perfect for my youngest that hates the mess of glue.

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