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Artists and composers planning- 4th and 5th help please


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I am picking our artists and composers for next year, we only touched on a few last year and want to add this to our new loop scheduling so it doesn't drop off. Once a week we will have an artist and composer slot.


I've looked here and there to get ideas of course, too many ways to do this.


Help me simplify. :ohmy:


Ambleside has 1 composer and 1 artist per term in 4th and 5th. Sounds great for 7th-12th grade, but I think that may be too long for us.

How long do you study 1 composer and 1 artist at this age?


Was thinking about doing 1 of each per month, I'll want to rely on library and other free resources for the content.

These look nice the full series is at my library -- https://www.amazon.com/Revised-Getting-Greatest-Artists-Paperback/dp/0531225402/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1469041952&sr=1-5&keywords=monet


I like the look of this and was thinking about using this with whatever I put together . . .  We could just start working thru these 33 artists and give a quick review of the ones we may have already studied . . .



Also looking at VP Art but can't see what's in the WB -- no samples online?


Drooling over this:


but not sure it's needed. I'm sure there are lots of great spines out there and need to walk my library shelves.


Would love to have questions to ask about the artist's pieces. Where can I find that?





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We use the Getting to know... Series too. Love them. Used them with all my kids and my big kids still remember them from those books.


I think it takes as long as it takes for the individual child. Some will move quickly with retention, others more slowly.


Don't forget retention. You want them to remember them .


We used the getting to know series then traced the artist, used Dover coloring books to color that artist works. We traced the composer's and listened to their music while doing it. ( online found their works).


For Shakespeare we traced and acted out whichever play seemed of interest to them.


We also for every artist, composer , etc. Wrote ...something about them. Each child will have a different thing they will want to write about them. I give out ideas to get the creative chain a goin lol.


I put them in the report folders from Walmart. The picture went in front then inside whatever work we did on them. Some with short BIOS too.


They always go back and look at them and read them. Built in and sneaky "review".

By gojn back and reading and lokin at the pictures. ...they are reviewing and dibt even know it ;)

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I am in LOVE with VP stuff. We use some if that too. Esp. The history and bible flashcards .


I could buy everything VP has lol.


You just have to pick and choose what each child likes the best and will will be different from child to child even in the same home . ( mo money lol )

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I have a series, well part of a series on the arts part.


It's old series with black and white drawings. They are longer books and would be used after maybe uve read the getting to know in that particular artist.


Each CH. Has questions and answers at the end of each chapter. They have student "workbooks" to them also. It's fun and the boys like the workbooks.

I can't find it right now, we are redoing the floors in the boys room and everything is in boxes.


I bought it here tho on the classifieds . maybe someone who knows these books will have the publisher name.


When I get my stuff out of boxes I'll post it .

Edited by Kat w
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Just want to add that I taught an Art Appreciation class at our co-op this past year for 3rd-5th graders…. and the biggest hit were youtube videos : Art with Mati and Dada.

Each episode focuses on one artist.  We watched the episode and did a related project.  It was great.  Be forewarned though - pre watch the videos.  They are cute cartoons for little kids but a few are risqué in my opinion. :-) 

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We do one artist and one composer per month.  We skip December and do a Christmas Around the World theme.  I use this site(Homeschool Enrichment) for artists/composers.  It has photos, bios, links.  Super easy to follow.  Archive.com has a lot of the works.


But these sheets(Practical Pages) are amazing(And free!!).  I laminated and hung the outline page and just change out the artist.  Kids write info on with dry erase.  They are up all month.

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We do one artist and one composer per month. We skip December and do a Christmas Around the World theme. I use this site(Homeschool Enrichment) for artists/composers. It has photos, bios, links. Super easy to follow. Archive.com has a lot of the works.


But these sheets(Practical Pages) are amazing(And free!!). I laminated and hung the outline page and just change out the artist. Kids write info on with dry erase. They are up all month.

I love that link! So glad you shared :) in going to use this .


And op yes. We do one artist and one composer a month.


We spend 2 weeks in an artist .

2 weeks on a composer.

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