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Looking for world history outline

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We are using Paul Johnson A History of the American People for history this year.  We will do half of the book this year and continue the following.  I also wanted to do a brief world history alongside and had chosen a book.  But I now want to cut that to just an outline of some sort so that they can read some other books.  I'm not looking for high school level reading.  Maybe I should look at the Kingfisher World History Encyclopedia.  Do you have any other thoughts?


I'll probably have them use this along with making a timeline.




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A timeline or you could do a book of centuries.  You can google for ideas.  Each two spread page is 100 years I think?  Or maybe just 50?  I don't know.  We're going to do one this year, but I haven't settled on the details yet. 


I like it better than a timeline because you can fit more information in the book than on a timeline and can flip through the pages easily. 


This doesn't answer your question, but thought I'd throw it out there anyway.

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We are using Paul Johnson A History of the American People for history this year. We will do half of the book this year and continue the following. I also wanted to do a brief world history alongside and had chosen a book. But I now want to cut that to just an outline of some sort so that they can read some other books. I'm not looking for high school level reading. Maybe I should look at the Kingfisher World History Encyclopedia. Do you have any other thoughts?


I'll probably have them use this along with making a timeline.




I like DK History of the World just to read myself. It's info dense but easy to read.


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Interesting, because we'll be doing something similar. We have done a lot of history from K-8. Then the boys went to highschool for 2 years and have done much less history. He is going to be coming back home and needs US History for credit. Here is what we are settling on:


Our main text will be Tindall's America. He'll read about 40 pages a week (I think that will finish the book in a year). While he reads ....

He'll place dates on a timeline which he will keep for all his subjects. 

He'll fill in names of places etc on a very large US map (and a very large World map). He can also color or decorate this as much as he would like (or not)

He'll think about some type of output each week. I will give him a lot of choice here. This can be anything from summarizing a section to briefly researching a topic, person or event and writing (quickly) about a page or drawing a map etc.

He'll choose one topic or event or person for each semester to research and write a longer paper about (maybe 5 pages).


In addition to all of the above he'll be doing lots of reading. These readings cover a lot of word history. I want him to be aware about things that go on elsewhere in the world but I didn't really want to make this difficult. I'll require no writing on this. However, he will

put dates on a timeline and

fill in names on the very large worldmap


For additional reading I have decided to settle on books that cover a fair amount of ground in an interesting way, but are fairly easy to read. We'll be using the 


World of series by G. Foster and

History books by Albert Marrin


In addition to this we'll be watching some documentaries as a family.


Hopefully, some of this helps.


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Since we've done a lot of history, I plan to go with these simple timeline/outline guides, as well as the lecture titles from several Great Courses Plus titles to provide easy "jump off" points, so to speak. We'll investigate each item as little or much as we want and follow any rabbit trails they lead to.  In addition to allowing DD to dig deeper into those areas of time periods she is most interested in, it will also be an exercise for DD to learn more about how to choose appropriate resources for research and cite works, as she will be required to take the lead in investigating the various topics after a one-day introduction to the subject through reading, primary source docs., Great Courses Plus lectures and/or videos. The rest of the week she will need to compile research from other sources to further investigate the topic and report back in the form of an essay, speech, or PowerPoint presentation.

Literature will be a separate class, but will be comprised of Great Books corresponding to the time period we study.  We plan to use Roman Roads/Wes Callihan for this (which will also provide further history material).

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Thank you so much for the suggestions and ideas.  I love seeing methods others are using.  We are also using literature to correspond to the time period and I was going to have my girls do a timeline and some map work.  Thinking about book such as the Albert Marrin books is one thing that got me thinking about this kind of plan.  The other was my daughter's desire to keep reading the four volume set of The History of the English Speaking Peoples by Churchill.  She enjoyed the one she read last year.  


I hadn't thought about documentaries or Great Courses.  I love the idea of letting them pursue rabbit trails on the World History side while moving steadily through the US portion.  


Output has always been such a struggle for me.  I tried letting my older ones choose and they struggled with that and they really ended up only reading and reading and reading in history and literature. There was a lot of good to that, but I want to do more of having them process on paper what they have read.


I am reading a book I saw recommended here called Engaging Ideas.  https://www.amazon.com/Engaging-Ideas-Professors-Integrating-Jossey-Bass/dp/0787902039/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1468758493&sr=8-2&keywords=engaging+ideas


I have that older edition.  The local university library had it and I decided to purchase it after checking it out multiple times.  It gives a lot of specific suggestions for writing in the content areas.  I am going to try to get a list together of specific ideas that the girls can either choose from or loop through.  


I just found these  http://www.studentsfriend.com/sf/sf.html    The downloads are free and the whole of world history from 1500 on is in 27 pages.  

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