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Science Shepherd overkill?

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I totally have loved reading the SS Biology book. It is lovely and clear and clean in presentation. It is very thorough. It has thrilled my science-y mind. 


BUT..is the book complete overkill for a non-science-y student? There seem to be a fair number of topics in there that are just too much for a 9th grader. It almost even seems more of an AP text, maybe. Even though it is not labeled AP. It even admits in parts that things might be over the heads of the students, but then seems like it continues on to try to explain them. It seems to me that if a student is headed to a biology based career, this book would be great for after chemistry. But maybe, too much for a 9th grader?


But it might just be me. I had a baby in the last school year and was re-hospitalized multiple times so I have not done the best with our science education lately. 


Also..if you can, if you did SS, please tell me if you skipped any parts. 

Edited by Janeway
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It was not overkill for my liberal artsy dd or my mathy dd.  It is "less than"  BJU (IMHO) and "more than" Apologia (again IMHO).


Are you looking to do something more "biology lite"?  I know a couple families who used Biology 101 dvds.  I have no personal experience with this program, so I can't comment too much. 


Is Noeo's high school bio out yet?

PAC has a biology program, but again, I"ve not used it so can't comment


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I used it with a very sharp kid.  Then I was going to go back to Apologia for the next one who struggles.  The very sharp one talked me into sticking with Shepherd for his sister.  I have altered it for her though.  While she does read it all, I don't test it all.  That does require some work on my part, though.  I wish I had a better feel for what the minimum biology knowledge should be.  My kids watched Biology 101 and loved it.  I did not feel it was enough for high school, but I suppose you could add to it.

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