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"Fireproof" is having unexpected success

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Great! My husband and I saw it on our date night, and then the next day, my husband took our eldest son to see it. They both loved it! My husband said it was even better the second time around.


PS -- They both cried during it, with my son specifically crying during the mom moment (for those who have seen it, you probably know which scene I am referring to).

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OK ladies, help me here. Our 15dd really wants to go see this movie...her friends have already seen it, etc. We were planning to go as a family, but then I heard some troubling things like the scary abuse scenes, and especially the implication of internet porno habits and such. I am wrestling with her seeing it, even though it's inspiring. I'm really not a prude :) but this is a tough one for me. Help.


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OK ladies, help me here. Our 15dd really wants to go see this movie...her friends have already seen it, etc. We were planning to go as a family, but then I heard some troubling things like the scary abuse scenes, and especially the implication of internet porno habits and such. I am wrestling with her seeing it, even though it's inspiring. I'm really not a prude :) but this is a tough one for me. Help.




I wouldn't rely on things I heard to decide. For our family, my husband and I went to see it first and decided it was something both our boys could handle.

(Especially since both of them are obsessed with anything having to do with firefighting).




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Please don't be afraid to see it! I'm the one who mentioned about the yelling and (implied) p*rn-viewing scenes, but they're not *that* bad! Remember, the p*rn stuff is simply implied -- the directors took care to make sure that nothing really sinful was shown or said in the movie.


When the husband was yelling at his wife, he was calling her disrespectful and unloving (which she was, in many ways). He was fed up with her cold behavior. Not to say he should have behaved that way, but there were two sides to this story -- it was not a true abusive situation where she was an innocent victim. Her sins were as bad as his -- they were just more subtle.


There was a lot of humor in the movie -- it kept you laughing a lot. This was a movie that could be appreciated on a number of levels. My two children loved it and would happily go back any time.

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I wouldn't rely on things I heard to decide. For our family, my husband and I went to see it first and decided it was something both our boys could handle.

(Especially since both of them are obsessed with anything having to do with firefighting).


I would definitely take my 15 year olds. The p*rn scenes show nothing. In fact, I found the actress's attire and makeup to be more of a distraction than the p*rn stuff -- but that's just me. :)


There were scenes of arguing, but nothing scary in my opinion.

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