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SAT II BIO Subject Test


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DS did a community college chem as a sophomore then waited a semester to take the CHEM SAT II Subject test. It was difficult and he didn't do so great. He needs to submit a science subject test for one of his schools. Anyone have experience with DC taking the BIO M subject test. He's going to take Anatomy/Physi Fall at the community college, I know there will be some ecology, plants stuff but hoping he can refresh up on that. Will have him take the subject test sooner like in Jan (semester ends in Dec) any timeline suggestions for studying for it? Anyone recommend a private tutor for that?



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I will respond in this thread, though I did in the other, b/c no one else has responded.  It is questionable as to whether or not an A&P class prep for the bio M subject test.  A&P typically focuses on systems on the large scale. Many times the course is a 2 semester sequence.


The M test focuses in-depth on the molecular/bio-chem level.   You would have to investigate what the A&P class covers.  


FWIW, I would not have my child enroll in A&P with the intention of taking the subject test.  As your ds learned with the chem test, the science tests are not easy and the content is very specific. 

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Has he done a standard biology course in the past?  Has he looked at the content of the Subject Test.  I had DS1 take this last year.  He did Biology E, and did ok.  He certainly could have done better if he'd specifically studied for the exam content.


I agree with Eight that the A&P course would have minimal overlap.


What are the admissions deadlines for the college?  I'm not sure that a Januaary exam would have scores back in time for admissions.  He might be better served to do some specific study with both chemistry and biology and take a fall exam (ex. Oct).


Has he contacted the school to see what they are looking for in test results?  We've seen some that just like to collect subject test scores from homeschoolers, others that like to see certain subject tests from all (but aren't hyper competitive with scores) and some where the score seems to play a major part in admissions (I think DS1 not having tippy top scores for Math and Science subject tests contributed to the rejection from his reach school).

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Dd took the SAT subject test in Bio M after taking the WTM bio course.  We signed up before realizing that the WTM course didn't cover organ systems which are definitely covered on SAT Bio.  We learned this because we had purchased the Barron's and Princeton review guides.  Buy those.  Go through each topic in those books, and review in your textbook.  (We used Holt, which was also excellent preparation.)  Also, buy the blue/green College Board guide.  We saved those practice tests for the very end.  


Print out a calendar and map out all the topics you need to cover before test day.  Dd ended up taking the test before having studied organ systems (long story) and scored very well.  She took it again a month later, this time with organs under belt, and we're still waiting on the score.  

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how far in advance did you go over the review books? 



he did bio as a freshman and at that time we didn't know he'd need SAT subject test. So bc his chem subject test as a sophomore wasn't really great we're just doing another one hopefully get to 700. I know the Anato and Phsio class won't really correlate with the test, but hoping it will help on some topics and try to get him to do the review books to study for the test. He's only a junior so a january test date will be fine. union year he has a ton of tests scattered so don't want to push it would to much after his semester class bc then he'll likely forget that material.



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We started around February and managed to finish everything but organ systems by the May test date.  This was while she was taking WTM bio.  She ended up getting over 700, and this was before she even covered organ systems, so we're really curious what her new score will be.  

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