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Talk to me about Math U See

DB in NJ

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My 9 yo is struggling with math. He forgets *everything*. While I'm doing my best to explain things to him, we're both just getting more and more frustrated.


I'm considering putting him in MUS Beta (I've printed out the pre-test to see which level he really needs to be tested at), but before I spend yet another zillion dollars on yet another math program, I'd like to hear some input. Lest you think I've used all those math programs on this one little boy, let me assure you that he has used one program since first grade. So jumping around isn't the problem. The "yet one more math program" refers to the many I've bought and tried since my 12th grader was 6 years old. :)


Geeze, you'd think after 11 years of homeschooling I'd have this stuff figured out :glare:

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I had a very similar "frustration" with my daughter. My older son breezed through Singapore and understood everything very easily. My daughter, on the other hand, was very different. So although I don't like switching either, I decided to try MUS and see if it helped. Somethings really "stuck" using MUS- like place value. MUS has "Decimal Street" that my daughter liked very much and therefore because it interested her she remembers it. I think for her it was just that she found math a little boring and MUS made it a little more interesting. She looks forward to the video every morning and is then independant with most of her math. Also, the way Steve explains the concepts to the children is great. He doesn't talk down to them or talk over their "heads" but really engages them- makes it relevant to them (ie: number eight is a brown color and therefore called chocoeight). I have come away from it thinking "gosh, if only I had explained it THAT way she might have better understood".


I still want to go back to Singapore and I am sure the ideas she learned from MUS will help her greatly. For me MUS was like having another math teacher help me over the hard parts and I am sure I will continue to use it as needed.




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Beta will primarily focus on subtraction. MUS has core areas in each year and spends that entire year on that subject. Alpha focuses on addition, gamma on multiplication, delta on division, epsilon on fractions, etc.


So, if you think spending a year on subtraction is what your dc needs, then MUS is a great option.

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My children are loving MUS. They love playing with the blocks and watching the videos and argue over who can do math first. It also helps me, since I'm still teaching 2 to read, to free up some of my time. I bought is for DD6, since she's so touchy-feely. Last year she struggled through BJU K5 (we just used the workbook) but now, she loves math and is understanding it so fast (most of it). I do still think it moves a bit slow in the concepts. We mix in Singapore here and there to keep it from getting boring. But otherwise, all 3 are loving it.

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Right this minute I'm having a love/hate relationship with MUS. MUS was a life saver when I found it at the end of dd's first grade year. Mr. Demme teaching instead of me (I let her watch the videos) was a godsend. Dd finally got math.


We used Alpha, Beta and most of Gamma. Dd did wonderfully until she got to the second part of the multiplication algorithm. She had forgotten her addition facts and was counting on her fingers. We spent the last month of 3rd grade and the first two months of 4th grade re-learning the addition and subtraction facts.


Today we picked up MUS Gamma where we left off and started again. I have a plan that includes an addition and subtraction worksheet each day along with going over addition, subtraction and multiplication flash cards every day before starting the MUS work.


I'm hoping by November we can move on to the next MUS book. At that point the daily worksheets will include multiplication. Next year I'm thinking we will have to do a worksheet or two of mixed facts every day.

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I use MUS and it has been such a blessing for us. My ds really struggled with math and thought he couldn't do it. We did Beta last year and this year we are on to Gamma and it is really clicking with him. WIth his ADHD the plain pages are great to cut distractions and the blocks work well because he is a kinesthetic learner. DD is more of a natural in Math but it made sense to still use MUS with her since they are in the same level, they just move through on their own pace. My Ker also uses MUS primer and really enjoys it, although right now his most math fun comes jsut from playing with the blocks rather than doing the pages.

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Dd did wonderfully until she got to the second part of the multiplication algorithm. .....I'm hoping by November we can move on to the next MUS book. At that point the daily worksheets will include multiplication. Next year I'm thinking we will have to do a worksheet or two of mixed facts every day.



If it gives you any comfort.....we just came out of Gamma and had the exact same slump. It took dd the whole summer to get through it and it was hard going.


But....she has just started Delta and is flying through the early lessons and remembers all her facts (knock on wood). Maybe it is the age or the fact that that part of Gamma is challenging but you are not alone. We just kept plugging and came out the other side quite by suprise! Good Luck!

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Beta does not focus only on subtraction, it focuses on multiple digit addition and subtraction with "regrouping" (aka carrying and borrowing lol). It also covers skip counting (in review from Alpha), simple graphs, and telling time (again review from alpha). My oldest son completed Beta last year and is currently in Gamma. To make sure we don't lose any of the basics I print worksheets from Mathmatics Worksheet Factory that he does 2-4 times a week (one day might be telling time, another day coins, another day addition/subtraction drill etc).


I really like MUS as my primary math program. It typically doesn't take us a full school year to do a full level of MUS so I've used Singapore as a supplement but MUS is where we learn the hows and whats - it has worked really well for my son. (He's done primer, alpha, beta, and now is in Gamma). HTH

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>>>We used Alpha, Beta and most of Gamma. Dd did wonderfully until she got to the second part of the multiplication algorithm. She had forgotten her addition facts and was counting on her fingers. We spent the last month of 3rd grade and the first two months of 4th grade re-learning the addition and subtraction facts.>>>>


I use MUS at a private school and we do daily drill on top of the lesson so that the students don't forget the skills they learned before.


I'm enjoying MUS.

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