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Need a quick favor and a question...

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First the favor; I made some Arabic flashcards for my 3 yr old (I laminated them and put them on a big plastic ring), I was wondering if someone could quickly try to see the file (you don't have to download it) to check whether the Arabic script shows up? I need someone who doesn't have Arabic enabled on their computer, if it isn't working right you'll see squares where the letters should be (at the bottom of each card)..




And the question, I made these in Microsoft Word and exclusively used their clipart. I read through their copyright statement vis a vis clipart and my understanding was that it was ok for me to use it in this way.. am I wrong? Does it matter if I'm selling/not selling materials with their clipart in it?


I've gotten so jittery over copyright issues I second-, third- and fourth-guess myself!



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My guess is that you are safe as long as there isn't a copyright symbol next to each letter.


To use a font is the same as typing something and using that font for someone to download. I -believe- that you are safe as long as you are not selling the font to people to use themselves.

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Here is the copyright information from Microsoft's clipart website. It looks like you can even sell the flashcards w/out problems.


Media Elements and Templates.You may have access to media images, clip art, animations, sounds, music, shapes, video clips, templates and other forms of downloadable content (“media elementsâ€) associated with the service. If so, you may copy and use the media elements, and license, display and distribute them, along with your modifications as part of your software products, including your web sites, but you may not (i) sell, license or distribute copies of the media elements by themselves or as part of any collection, or product if the primary value of the product is in the media elements; (ii) grant customers of your product any rights to license or distribute the media elements; (iii) license or distribute any of the media elements that include representations of identifiable individuals, governments, logos, initials, emblems, trademarks, or entities for any commercial purposes or to express or imply any endorsement or association with any product, entity, or activity; or (iv) create obscene or scandalous works, as defined by law at the time the work is created, using the media elements.

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Thanks for the additional responses.. I checked around some more, if I'm reading it correctly, I think the key is commercial vs noncommercial use. I've removed it from there, but glad to know that the file with Arabic type was working -- I had to go through some steps to get to that..


thanks again everyone!

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