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Noise blocking headphones / earmuffs?

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My oldest boy gets frustrated because he's so distractible when he's trying to work. I am considering some sort of noise blocking something for him, since space constraints make it so that he can't just go sit in a quiet room by himself when he's working. Thoughts? Recommendations? Alternative suggestions?


We have a pair that dh got at a truck show, but they're designed to keep out roaring while letting in normal vocal frequencies, so not ideal for this situation.

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We have a set of Bose noise cancelling headphones and while I really like them- they do a great job and also have wonderful sound quality if you want to listen to anything- we have had to send them in twice for repair in less then a year. For $250 that wasn't quite what I expected. Bose has repaired them both times, it's just the hassle.

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Here is a link to a variety of noise blocking headphones.  http://www.earplugstore.com/ear-muffs-for-children.html   We have several pair of the Peltor Kids ear muffs. They are very comfy and they fit me as well.  The Alpine Muffy ear muffs block noise really well but I find they run a little small. I have ordered from this site before and have no complaints. 



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ITA with the Pelnor kids-DD's had her bright pink ones since she was 2, and they still fit at 11. She's found that on planes, etc, if she wants to listen to a video, she can put the earbuds inside the earmuffs and use both-plus then the earbuds don't actually have to go in her ears :).

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It's my 14yo who's super-distractable. We've been talking about setting up a desk in her room so she can hae quiet, but her room is the Land of Distraction, and I don't want her back there where I can't keep an eye on her. I'm guessing the Peltor-Kids ear muffs would be too small. Any recommendations for teens?

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