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differences between Superflex and Incredible Flexible You?

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Anyone know how these programs are different? This would be primarily for my 7 yo but 10 yo needs help with social thinking too. I'm leaning toward Superflex because both are in the age range for it, and the 7 yo really likes superheroes. I'm planning on buying Zones of Regulation also...have started it with an ILL copy. I don't have the option of not teaching it myself at this point as the only 2 OTs in this area have a 6-12 month waiting list.

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It all depends on your child's maturity level and language abilities. It's so hard with "spectrum" and/or ADHD kids because what would be appropriate for my 7 y.o. 1st grader (Incredible Flexible You) may be too simplistic for another 7 y.o. My child could definitely NOT handle ZoR or Superflex right now because of the language demands. They're great programs but beyond where she is right now.

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IFY fits my gifted 7 yo PERFECTLY.  I saw ALL the social thinking materials at the workshop, so I was able to choose from everything they publish.  I didn't buy anything superflex but the adorable posters.  Everything else needed to wait.  


You can get Zones on ILL?  That's fabulous!  Definitely go for it.  


The red Social Thinking book will work for both kids.  Superflex is fine for the 10 yo.  I guess decide who you're MOST wanting to intervene on and buy for that person.  Superflex will trickle down for the 7yo.  The concepts are still there.  They're just more complex.  Social Detective is sort of in-between and can go up and down.  I *think* they recommend Social Detective before Superflex.  


It's really not like you'll buy one and ruin the other kid. 

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It is mainly for my 7 YO.  I have another book on raising your child's social IQ that I think will work fine for the 10 YO.  We haven't done much of it but she's working on implementing what we've talked about it.  He understands the concepts, but I don't see him trying to implement them.  Or maybe the impulsiveness just gets in the way, or maybe he needs loads of reminders.  Also, he's very visual, and I think something with pictures will work much better for him than just discussing things.


It is hard to say maturity-wise.  He probably seems younger than the average 7 YO because of his hyperactivity and impulsiveness.  His vocabulary and comprehension are great though. 


Social Detective might work.  They do recommend it first but they say it's so the parent/teacher gets familiar with the vocabulary.  I don't know...I'm still leaning towards Superflex.  I can always reword things if I need to.  I wish they had samples on their website.  That would help a lot.  We're only 4 lessons into Zones of Regulation, but he's definitely understanding it, and making attempts to apply it if reminded in advance (like in a store, to be in the green zone instead of the yellow one).  OhElizabeth, why specifically did you think Superflex was too much for your 7 YO?  Would you say the concepts are more complex than Zones of Regulation?



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I'm not as much of an expert on the social thinking materials as Oh E, and I've not seen Incredible Fleixble You yet, but my 7 year old DS loves the SuperFlex material he was learning in the six week class he took this spring and will do another session in the fall. I find that the super hero/bad guy characters really resonate with my DS and give us a really good framework for discussion. He likes to make up his own unthinkables and "weapons" that fight against them. But like I said, I haven't seen IFY so I can't make a comparison - I'm just working with the material we were sent home from class.

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I did not get a lot out of Social Detective.


I don't think it is like Superflex or IFY.


If you are looking at the two of them, I can't compare either bc I have only seen IFY, but I wouldn't get Social Detective.

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Not sure if you are still thinking on this, but you might want to see if you can get any of the Social Thinking books via InterLibrary loan in order to see them in person.   I was pleasantly surprised to find that quite a few of Michelle Garcia Winner's books as well as others are held by various college/university libraries in my state and I can get them from interlibrary loan! It looks like a great time to be requesting books from University libraries -- most of what I was looking for was actually available...so many fewer students needing them in the summer I suppose.

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Just to update, we're about through IFY, and although ds REALLY enjoys the activities and profits from them, the behaviorist is finding it's starting to seem a little simple, like things are coming together so well that he's really to apply more.  I think she already received the new We Thinkers 2, and she said it's going to be a terrific step up.  He also really likes the Superflex posters.  I suggested we could even blend them, because the programs are sort of complementary, not duplicative.  


Edited by OhElizabeth
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