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The "we got home safe from Princeton" thread.

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Hello, and welcome to the "I Got Home Safe Thread." Dinner in Princeton was really fun, and the lecture was excellent.


I got home just fine. I only got turned around once, just over the Delaware River, but I called RegularDad and he talked me through it just fine. (I am just not a Nighttime Driver.)


It was really fun getting to meet some of you. It's not something I quite ever expected to do, me being a lurker and all. :) Thanks to Susan, for extending the invitation. And for signing my books. And I guess I should confess that I've got the first signed copy of the Art of the Public Grovel on my shelves now. SWEET!


Anyway...post in, and let us know you're home. That's the rules.

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Wah!!! I've been so bummed all night! I can't wait for pictures. My only consolation is that I get to see Anj (and maybe girligirlmom?) tomorrow! I'm so glad you all had fun though :D



I really wish you'd called me about your car, though. We could've easily stopped by to pick you up!! :glare:

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I missed you there tonight!


I am finally home! :) It was worth the drive to meet you all and Susan. I had a blast!


I know, I KNOW! SO many people I really wanted to meet! I'm sad. But hey, we could always do another NY/NJ/PA meetup, right? RIGHT?! :D



I really wish you'd called me about your car, though. We could've easily stopped by to pick you up!! :glare:


Oh, you know, I did think of it. But there were other things too--I'm swamped with work, the cable guy was coming at who-knew-what time, my mom had the kids and had to bring them back at some point. As the Magic 8 Ball says, "All signs point to 'no'." Phooey.

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