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Derek Owens logistics ?s

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Ds is starting DO Alg 2 this week, account is all set up & his workbooks are here.


I'm curious how others handle pacing? I'd like to use the recommended syllabus to keep him moving forward, but I realized I'm not quite sure how to go about a few things-


For HW sets, you send them in, I get that.

Do you wait to get them back graded before moving on to the next lesson sections & next HW assignment? Only wait to get them back before taking the test? Just move onto the next sections & test before getting them back?

I'd like to be sure kiddo "gets" each section & reviews his graded HW before taking the test.

Won't that stretch out the syllabus much longer than the weekly outline that's given?


Did you just not worry about the suggested syllabus & do it however you wanted?


Also- how did you send in your HW & tests? Scan? Email pic? Our printer can scan but it seems to make these huge files we can't email out. No smart phone here to use a phone scanner app, but

I do have an iPad. Take photo & send that? I can get a new scanner if need be.

Ds is is going to need to write neatly, a first for him.


Any other tips? Thanks. I'm very excited about this, but it's new territory, have always used MUS or TT.

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I can tell you what we did, but please do what works well for your family.  We are not experts on DO, and don't pretend to be. So, do what works well for you and your son.  


We had not used a course like DO and started with Algebra II also.  It was good practice for him to take notes, to follow a syllabus and keep up with his assignments.


Here is what we did as far as pacing.  We printed the syllabus and did a"check box" every day.  One day it might be a lesson.  And one day it might be a HW assignment.  But just kept him moving ....one box a day.  


(Couldn't do that with PreCalc....had to do Lesson and HW assignment in the same day to finish on time.  And with APCalc next year, he is going to follow the weekly schedule, so that he will finish BEFORE he has to take the AP exam)


But with Algebra II, we just took a box a day on the syllabus.  


He did not wait for all his homework assignments before he kept on moving.  But he DID wait right before a test.  Wanted to make sure that he knew all the information before test time.  So he would wait for homework assignments to be ALL GRADED before he took a test.  


We used a printer/scanner to send to DO.  Worked very well.  


Like I said, we are not DO experts.  This is just what worked for us.  And you must find what works for your son.







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Since you grade the practice sections yourself, you can get a good idea of if you understand the work and should move on or not.


I did all the grading for my son, but he had to wait for mom's 48 hour turn-around time frequently. He knew if he understood the material and would just move along. Try it out and I think you'll get a good feel for what you need to wait on and when you can move along.


As far as a scanner, most scanners have settings that you can change the resolution and therefore the file size. Also, you can download a pdf scanner app for the ipad.

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We only have physics experience, so your mileage may vary. 


I have my kid spend an hour per day - whatever she gets done in that time. At the beginning, she wasn't spending an hour (30 - 45 min, 4x per week) and she got way behind. Your pace may not be that of the syllabus, but you can use it as a general guide to see if your kid needs to spend more or less time to get through it in how much total time you want to spend.


We send in homework 2-3 sections at a time. Since my kid needs more review than DO builds into his physics program, we almost always have the homework back before she does the test because she has to do several days of review before she takes each test. 


We scan our homework & tests. We used his recommended settings (200 dots/inch?) once I saw the instructions on how to do that. 


My last piece of advice is that DO really likes to help. If your kid has issues (like a homework that he completely bombs & still doesn't understand what he did wrong), ask for help. There is a help email that gets pretty quick turn around. He has other videos to explain stuff if your kid isn't getting it -- just ask. He'll even record one from scratch if he doesn't have one. Ask For Help. That's what he's there for. (He's even called me at home to talk about my concerns about DD's progress in physics. It is totally freaky to answer the phone & have the voice on the other end be the voice that comes from DD's computer every day. :ohmy: )

Edited by RootAnn
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The first thing I'd change is to have the answers to the practice problems in a separate spiral book. Flipping back & forth to check them is going to be annoying. Might have staples change it for me :)


Day one went well though. High hopes!

Thanks everyone.

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