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can you recommend books to teach the "facts of life"?


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"What's Going on Down There?" which is by a nurse and her two sons (I think they were 10 and 12). It is very honest and "out there." Her two sons wanted answers to questions that were not answered in their health class, and so she wrote this book.


Male puberty can begin at age 9 -- ask me how I know. :confused: Not having gone through male puberty myself, I ordered a bunch of books to help me answer my son's questions. He is undergoing some of the hormonal changes that signal the onset of adolescence. And some of the other changes that require more....privacy.


Another one that we like that is more specific to your original post is "What's the Big Secret?" by Laurie Krasny Brown, Ed.D. and Marc Brown (of the "Arthur" books). It is very detailed and specific, but completely appropriate for an 8- or 9-year-old. A lot of the book deals with differences between girls and boys (not just anatomical differences), and there is a drawing of each to show the genital differences. It is hard to explain why it is not icky, but it's just not in this book. It is very well-done. There is a lesson on reproduction, with drawings of the adult male reproductive organs(inside view), the adult female (fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and vagina -- also inside view). The paragraph on how the sperm gets close enough to the egg for this all to work simply reads: "Usually the sperm and egg meet during sexual intercourse, when a man and woman fit his penis into her vagina. It feels wonderful to share this special closeness when you love someone." Then there is a girl (neck up!) saying, "Is that true?" And a boy says, "Well, yes. It's something grown-ups do." So this book is aimed at the under-10 crowd, since it doesn't go into things like contraception.


Best of luck....



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the marc brown book is very good _What's the Big Secret?_


I like Dr. Ruth's book for slightly younger.


_Everything You Never Wanted Your Kids To Know About Sex and Were Afraid They'd Ask_ is fantastic.


the OWL curriculum (our whole lives) from the Unitarian Universalist congregations is amazing.


As always preview everything to insure that it fits your family's values. The above wouldn't be comfortable for some.



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I really like the approach of this series. It teaches from a Christian perspective, and also encourages parents to give their kids a lot of information. As a home educator, I don't always fill in the blanks as early as they recommend, but I do make a point of being very open with my kids (not something I grew up with at all). I also have two of the books written for parents to read with their kids: Facing the Facts and What's the Big Deal About Sex?.




My oldest dd (14) went to school last year (is now back home). She and some other girls were talking about the sex ed class they had just attended (grade 7 at a private Christian school), and my dd mentioned that she knew most of what they were talking about already. The other girls were surprised, and asked how she knew. When she told them that her mom had told her they all said that they could never talk to their moms about that kind of stuff. Dd made a point of telling me that she was glad I had told her about the facts. Just a little real life story to encourage you.




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