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Female question for any vegans or vegetarians

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I started eating a vegetarian diet @ 1 year ago then slowly switched to a low fat( @ 10% calories from fat), high fiber plant based vegan diet. I didn't put things together at the time, but I noticed that my cycles started changing @ this time. I used to be very regular and was always 28-30 days. Now I am anywhere from 21 to 26 days with a few longer cycles every now and then. Mostly I am an average of 26 days, but this month I am down to a 21 day cycle again. The lengh of my . has shortened from 5-7 days to 3-4 and is very light. While, I love the short . and lightness, I'd like to figure out what is going on.


I did a bit of research today and some studies show a link between low fat and high fiber and wacky cycles and then others say there is no connection. Another shows vegetarians with wacky cycles and another without. It's very confusing.


I have lost a lot of weight, but my BMI is still on the high side ( 25.1) so I am not too thin. I also feel enough time has passed that my body should be adjusted to the loss?


I was also thinking I could have low progesterone and did buy some natural progesterone cream, but haven't started using it as I wasn't sure if that was my issue or not.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether you think diet can play a role in these changes.



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I was on a low, almost no-fat vegan diet for 1 1/2 years. I lost a lot of weight, and weighed about 98lbs. I never noticed any changes in my cycle, though. From what I remember of your posts, your body has been through a tremendous amount of stress. I'm wondering if it is tied to that?


BTW - has your hair loss come under control?

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I was on a low, almost no-fat vegan diet for 1 1/2 years. I lost a lot of weight, and weighed about 98lbs. I never noticed any changes in my cycle, though. From what I remember of your posts, your body has been through a tremendous amount of stress. I'm wondering if it is tied to that?


BTW - has your hair loss come under control?


I don't know @ the stress. I feel so much better now and it's been 3 months since my surgery that I'd hope to be OK now. As far as the hair loss, it's not gone, but it has slowed some. I am eating more good fat, taking vitamins and eating more protein.


I feel like I am working really hard to be healthy and I am falling apart LOL!

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I have heard of this among vegans & vegetarians who are eating a fair bit of soy. Some are more sensitive than others. Perhaps that's something to explore? I believe there is a soy/estrogen connection.



Thank you, but I don't eat any soy. I have heard there can be a conenction too but avoid soy for a variety of reasons.

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I am vegetarian and have been for over a decade, but I can't help you. I have always had a very VERY odd cycle. I can have had between 20 and 500 days period my period. :confused:


My vegetarian friends have never commented on it, and we have talked about cycles before since mine is so odd.


Thanks. I am hoping that diet isn't a part of it and it sounds like it's not. I need to look into other causes.

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Well, I think that you and I are about the same age and my cycles are getting shorter from start to start than they used to be. I am most definitely not vegetarian. Mine have, over the past year, gone from 26-28 down to the last one at 21! The past 6 months or so have seen them going down to 26 more often than not. Before that, mostly were right at 28.


I am using progesterone cream now too. I need to figure out how much I need to use and am having trouble with that.


So, mine is doing the same thing as yours only I haven't got the diet things going that you do. It is not fun, is it?

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Well, I think that you and I are about the same age and my cycles are getting shorter from start to start than they used to be. I am most definitely not vegetarian. Mine have, over the past year, gone from 26-28 down to the last one at 21! The past 6 months or so have seen them going down to 26 more often than not. Before that, mostly were right at 28.


I am using progesterone cream now too. I need to figure out how much I need to use and am having trouble with that.


So, mine is doing the same thing as yours only I haven't got the diet things going that you do. It is not fun, is it?



No, it is not fun! I am glad I am not alone though :). So, it sounds like age and hormones are to blame and NOT my diet, which is good. I really am happy with the way I am eating.

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No, it is not fun! I am glad I am not alone though :). So, it sounds like age and hormones are to blame and NOT my diet, which is good. I really am happy with the way I am eating.


Very well could be. I just turned 40. I think you are right around that mark too, if I recall correctly. It is so not fun!!! My diet is moderately good, I would say. Not fabulous, but not horrid either.

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Very well could be. I just turned 40. I think you are right around that mark too, if I recall correctly. It is so not fun!!! My diet is moderately good, I would say. Not fabulous, but not horrid either.


Yep, 40 in two weeks. I don't really mind, but I wish my body wouldn't keep reminding me! LOL

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Mine are wonky....... i don't count days - but they are more like every 3 weeks than 4. If i start with a friend, i'll be starting my 3rd one and she will get her 2nd. Such fun....


I'm 2 months from 40.


When i was doing low-carb i went thru an interesting phase when my body was releasing the hormones stored in the fat. It was a mess..... i went off low-carb when i got preggo, and really need to get back on track (ha, i just told DH to NOT buy frosting at the store - that is a start right???).


I can't be of more help other than to say, at times - i feel like i'm falling apart at "40"!


Glad to not be alone.

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I follow the same kind of diet you describe, though once in a while I splurge and eat fish. I also take omega-3 fish oil pills. I also take borage oil and tonalin oil pills. I do eat some soy, like soy milk and tofu. As I've gotten older I find I feel better if I stick with more beans and veggies and less grains, which make me feel kind of sluggish. I try to avoid gluten.


I am 39.5 yo. My cycles are still regular, usually about 29 days long. I have followed this kind of diet off and on since 1996 and never noticed any changes, except less cramps and less PMS. My cycles are not as heavy as they used to be and I do wonder if it's age related.


Best wishes and Happy Birthday!:001_smile:

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